Chapter 7

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Agatha's POV

I packed my small bag with the letter and map. Then I digged out an umbrella from my bag. I put on my black long jacket and stood near the door. They also got up. Zelma took her bag, but Leola was wet and dripping.

"In a minute." she said

We nodded. I opened the door and went out with Zelma. She closed it behind me. Girls were walking up and down giggling and talking.

"So, where do you live? I asked

"Near the flagpole forest. In a so-called haunted house." she said with no real interest.

"Wait did I hear it right? Haunted house?" I asked. I mean who expect your friend to live in a haunted house near a forest? Nothing creepier than that.

"Yes, the people say that it's a haunted house, but I don't believe it. The owner had no interest in keeping such a house in her possession, so they sold it to me in a very cheap price. Now I have my own house" she smiled

"Oh...." I bit my lower lip. What will be Leo's reaction when she finds out where we are going.

"I'm ready." Leo came out of the room swiftly and locked it. She dried her hair and had a bandana on top of it. She wore a denim shorts, a yellow t shirt and a jacket on top of it with hiking boots.

"We can go in my car." Leo offered

"OK." we said and started walking. I asked her if she had her letter and piece of map. She said yes. I saw her texting someone. She passed the key to me and ran to the girl's restroom.

"Go down, don't wait for me. I'll come." Leola rushed inside.

The rain was still on. We went to the reception area and waited. There was a small TV there. The weather was getting bad to worse. They said it will be raining both day and night. I wondered if we can see the sun tomorrow morning.

My phone chimmed. I totally forgot that I had a phone. When I looked at it, it was none other than Alton.

Alton, right. I must inform this to Alton. We are anyway going to discuss about the locket in Zelma's house so why not call him too?

I texted him back. I was going to say about the meet, but Leo came. I passed the key to her. I took my umbrella and opened it. We managed to get to the car with one umbrella.

I sat on the back seat they both in the front. I again looked at my phone. It chimmed. Alton's message. I texted him.

"Hey, I am going to say something you would like to hear. Its about our locket. I have two friends with the same locket and I kind of can connect between us. We are going to Flagpole to discuss about it. Please come there. I'll send the location map and btw take your letter and the piece of paper. See you there then. Bye."

I asked Zelma the exact location. She told and I looked it on Google and sent it to Alton. I looked up. Zelma was talking seriously with Leola. The rain is still having a blast pouring down. Sounds are coming from the top of the car. It was like someone throwing stones on top of it, the rain is heavy. We could barely see out of the window. The streets were completely empty expect for the people who were shutting down their shops ready to go home early.

After a long drive we finally reached Zelma's house. It was a big bungalow which was breathtakingly wicked.

It was all so dark. The only light was from the car. Leo parked it on the porch. We all got out and went inside. The door was not locked. Zelma put on the switches. It was bright yellow colour but there was a new white one on top the ceiling which gave the usual home feeling.         

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