Chapter 27

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Zelma's POV

'What is done is done, and it was for good.' I told myself.

I got back from my comfortable position and rubbed my face and neck, the only part which was left bare from the body armor, removing the blood. I took a quick rinse and rose up from the pool covering myself with a lot of towels.

When I went back to my room I checked myself in the mirror. I was quite clean. I saw a perfume bottle on the dressing table. I opened it and smelled it. It smelled like monsoon. Cold and fresh. I rubbed some of it on my wrist and neck smelling the bottle occasionally.

I went near my bag and pulled out a black jean. They told there will be a party and I can't wear a black jeans. So I decided to go for blue ones. I took out a white t-shirt to go with the jeans. I don't usually wear so much white. But it is a happy occasion right? Why should I ruin it with a black shirt?

I combed my long black hair and pushed it back from my face. I took two strands of hair near my ear and started braiding it. I'm not good at braiding, but I should look presentable when I'm going to a Royal party.

I'm dressed, hair is done, I smell good, makeup? No, I look better without it. Now what? Shoes? Okay. Why not?

I took my combat boots and shook it to remove the sand inside it and slipped it into my legs. I just wiped it with my fingers removing the dust and sand attached to it.

Ornaments? I don't have any. Good.

"I guess I'm ready." I said to myself.

"Now can I come in?" I turned around and saw Agatha peeking inside and getting in before I said anything.

"It was not a question was it?" I asked.

"We are friends." She told.

"I don't know that." I said looking back at the mirror.

"You look nice. What about me?" She asked while she made herself comfortable on the end of my bed.

She was wearing a white very short dress like thing and black leggings. Her hair was up in a ponytail and had a tiny seashell necklace and a hair pin.

"Better than me." I said. She giggled and came near me.

"Do you mind if I braid your hair?" She asked me.

"Yes. Don't touch my hair." I said moving away from her. I saw Rie peeking inside.

"May I come in?" Rie asked me.

"Sure." I said.

"Princess Coral told me to help you get ready." She said.

"See even Coral knew you would need help with your hair." Said Agatha. Rie smiled.

"We can do it for you Zel, please say yes. Please." Agatha pleaded with her puppy eyes.

"Ugh. Okay." I said going near the mirror. Rie took a chair and kept it near the mirror and made me sit on it. She and Agatha exchanged knowing smiles and giggles while taking random strands of hair from my head and braiding it. They were standing right in front of me and didn't let me to look at the mirror.

"Rie, do you have more pins?" Agatha asked.

"Yes, I'll be back in a minute." Rie said rushing off from my room.

"Please don't put too many decorations. I'm not your toy." I said as I tried to face Agatha, but she pushed down my face forcing me to watch her glittered little butterfly pin.

Rie came back in an instant and they both again started decorating my hair. I felt like they were building a flower patch on my head.

"At last. We're done." Agatha said brushing her hands. "Now look at the mirror and complement us for the great work we have done in your hair." Agatha said moving herself away from the mirror.

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