Chapter 22

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Agatha's POV

I'm not jealous of that goddess, after all she is a goddess. Even I thought she was beautiful but the way she checked out Alton was crazy. It was more like that popular girl you see on every typical movie or book checking out the hot new boy in class.

Even when all of us were standing there she only made eye contact with him. I was the one who ate that fruit not he. I'm the one who is supposed to find and mend or whatever, not him. She knows that and we know it too. What's up with her?

I walked away from him and I don't regret it because he is going to follow me anyway. And why was he acting so stupid and weird around her? I rolled my eyes. It's not because I like him in another way, which I don't, but because he is my friend. They are following me and I can hear Alton footsteps behind me. He ran to keep up with me and walked slowly as he reached me.

"Agatha." He said. I didn't reply.

"Agatha?" He again called. I didn't even look at him.

"Are you jealous?" He asked. Wait. Me? No! I glared at him.

"Sorry." He said keeping his distance. "I think there is something on your face." He said but I ignored him.

"I think it's beauty." He wispered in my ear. A small smile broke out but I controlled it and said in an annoyed voice. "Shut up!" He laughed.

"You look more beautiful when you are mad." He said.

"You look stupid when you are stupid." I said back as I had to say something.

"I will take it as a complement." He said pleased.

We walked in silence but Alton was talking in his mind. I can not read minds but his eyes and expressions were like he was debating with himself and it was too loud. He was looking at me too often and I couldn't stop myself doing the same.

For a moment to completely ignore him I tried to listen hard to the surroundings. No birds no animals just some sounds of crickets and toads.

The sky became dark and heavy. It's going to rain soon. I love rain. Listening to the rhythmic falling of each drop and drinking black tea and the smell of the first rain coming from the bare soil are some of the best moments. I used to like sitting in a chair and crying out my feelings, then it was just me, my sorrows and the rain alone in darkness sharing stories.

I could hear a distant flapping of wings. A giant bird or was it? I looked up the sky but saw nothing. The flapping became clear by each passing moment and a gigantic grey shadow covered the surface. I saw it coming and I instantly looked up. It was a dragon, not Nightler. It was bigger in size. Within a blink of an eye the dragon vanished.

"Everyone to the tree." I said.

"What was that?" Leola asked.

"A dragon." I said in a hurry. We all hid behind a tree. Our right side was a clearing we could see the sea more clearly and there was a cave far away. And two trees on the way to the cave. Our left side was full of trees, where we hid.

The dragon circled around and vanished. All five of us huddled together close to the tree.

"Is that Nightler?" Odell asked.

"No it doesn't look like her. It was much bigger." Said Alton. "Nightler can't be this big."

We heard a loud thud between the trees. For a moment my heartbeat stopped. My arms got hold on to the person who was standing next to me. We heard a loud thunderous roar, I shivered. A strong arm kept me close, I looked up it was Alton.

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