Chapter 29

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Agatha's POV

Nightler flew up leaving behind trails of sand. I was not expecting this much speed. The wind was howling and roaring. The sound of Nightler's wings flapping was loud. Wind was hitting on my face so hard that my eyes started watering. Nightler's breath could also be heard clearly.

I thought I will fall down from her. I was not ready for this I guess. I leaned forward and hugged on to Nightler's neck. She was speeding up. The wind's howl and roars filled my ears with the waves hitting on each other below the sea. I opened my eyes but all I could see was just plain white color, and it was hurting my eyes. My heart raised outside my rib cage. I forgot to take my occasional breaths.

The sky up and sea down was overwhelming my senses. I like it in here, but I would be happy if I could go down. Nightler slowed down, her wings were not going up and down too many times. It was gliding smoothly keeping its pace.

I was shivering head to toe. I've never been on a rollercoaster before. But I've been on a dragon two times and this is the third time. The last two times I really enjoyed being up in the sky but this time I was too overwhelmed.

Her scales were smooth. It felt good to keep my face on the cold scales and close my eyes. My heartbeat slowed down a bit which was good because I was afraid that it will break my rib cage.

Nightler again increased her speed again my heart forgot to keep up with Nightler's speed. I again tried to open my eyes and saw the glittering sea mirroring the sunlight. It was blinding. It made it too uncomfortable to open my eyes.

I realized that we have a long way to go, and we can't take breaks. Our next stop is Anahoma. I wish it was close enough. I prayed that Nightler will not lose her strength.

I tried to pull myself up. It was hard with the strong wind, but I got up and saw nothing but white and blue sky and clouds like cotton candy. We went through a cloud, it was so chilly. I was wrong choosing to just wear a simple t-shirt. My nose and eyes watered, so I wiped it out. Nightler again slowed down.

Her big body rocked to right and left. "What is it, Nightler?" I asked. She puffed. 'To make you alert.' She said. I smiled and patted on her neck.

"Agatha." Alton called me and handed over a fishtail shaped chocolate. I thanked him and broke it into two and leaned forward. Nightler sensed it and turned her head to me, I fed her a piece of chocolate and started nibbling on it myself. She was very satisfied to taste sweets again.

I silently promised her to give as many chocolates she wants when we reach that place.

Nightler increased and decreased speed keeping her wings nice and steady. I became used to the wind and her speed. The sky was clear bright and lit. Even though the sun was shining right above us, it was cold. Wind from every direction was both good and bad to us. I didn't want to stay up and receive this cold wind right on my face, so I leaned over and laid my head on her neck.

I closed my eyes and listened to the wind. My ears popped once or twice then it went back to normal again. I melted the chocolate slowly in my mouth enjoying every bit of the sweetness. My mind and senses gave it away, and I fell into a nice sleep.

"Agatha? My little baby?" Called a distant voice.

I turned to see where it was coming. I was in a beach and there was a cave near me.

"Baby? Is that my Agatha?" That voice again called me. A surge of happiness came to me.

"Agatha?" It called again. I knew this voice. Was it coming from the cave?

"Oh, baby come here." Called the voice. I was I going to cry it was so familiar to me even though I don't have any memory of that voice. I ran to the cave.

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