Chapter 28

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Zelma's POV

It was a blurry morning. We woke up, cleaned ourselves, went to have breakfast. Took a daily dose of our medicine, and waited for our cue to go.

Agatha and Princess Coral was having their own little time conversing with each other. Sharing stories and what not. They walked around the royal garden and talked so much. I don't know what.

The boys were silent. They were spending their time gazing at weapons at the armory. Leola went out with a mermaid folk and studied about plants, and stuff underwater.

I'm on top of the wall of the castle observing everyone. I saw so many Nemos and Dories, I mean clown fish and royal blue tang. It was fun spying on people or merpeople.

When I got too bored I swam down and walked around. I met the king while passing his office and he told me to come in.

I went inside and sat on a chair opposite to him.

"How are you, Zelma?" He inquired.

"I'm fine your majesty." I said. He looked up from his parchment paper and smiled. "I wanted to ask you something, sir."

"Yes, sure. What is it?" He asked me.

"Do you know anything about Anahoma?"

King Emerald sat straight and looked at my face and said, "Yes I do."

I waited for more. "Are you going there?" He asked me.

"Um... Yes. The map told us."

"The map?"

"Yes, your majesty." I said. "We are going there to find some answers to our questions."

"I see." He said thinking. "Anahoma is..." He sighed. I waited.

"Okay, Zelma. I can't say anything about Anahoma. They are good friends of this land. And you came looking for Anahoma with the help of this map you were saying."

"If we knew more about this place..." The King cut me off.

"It's your destiny to go and find this land and answers to your questions. I can't interfere in the great things. I'm happy that I helped you and you kids are some great warriors. They were not wrong choosing you."

"They chose us?"

"I shall not say anything more." Said King Emerald.

"Your majesty?" General Alex called from the door.

"Yes, general." He said getting up. I also rose from my seat. "Zelma, we have arranged your way back to land. Are your friends ready?" He asked me.


"I've sent our people to call them, your majesty." Said General Alex.

"Good, and Zelma." King Emerald turned to me. "Me and my people are so grateful to you and your friends. You saved us and our kingdom. I'm very sure that you kids will reach your goal." The King smiled and swam out from his office with General Alex, who shot me a sad smile as he went.

I stepped out of the room and saw Alton and Odell coming with two mermen, Leola came back with the mermaids and Agatha with Princess Coral. We walked silently to the hall and from there outside the castle. The whole population of Elisiya came together to say goodbye.

Their tails changed color into ash gray and black which indicates that they are sad. Agatha hugged the granny mermaid and said thank you to her. Many merpeople came and told us goodbye. The last person to come to me was Amela the little mermaid who had accidentally pushed down Leola.

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