Chapter 20

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Alton's POV

Zelma, Agatha and Leola came searching for us. Zelma was the first person to see the baby lying on the floor, she ran to it. Odell and I exchanged worried looks for a quick moment.

"Zelma don't touch it!" We yelled. But it was too late. She picked up the baby and I immediately pushed off her hands, the baby fell down on the ground and rolled a few inches.

"Al..." She tried to say but we heard a loud screech, and our attention turned completely to the baby. Its cry died down. The infant raised its torso and looked at us with its big beady eyes.

It let out a not-so-babyish sound, it was a weird roar. Long brown-black hair began to grow in its body which began to elongate. Its little hands turned fat, it was covered with hair. Long painful bones started growing from each of its joints. It was painful to watch the whole process but we didn't had an option. We were too afraid to turn back.

The only place not covered in hair was that baby-monster's face. I didn't want to look up to see its face but curiosity crept in, an unavoidable human nature. I had read somewhere not to look directly into monsters eyes so careful not to do that I slowly looked up to see its face. I literally had to bend my head back in order to do so. And what I saw was a stunning handsome face. Ew... I don't usually call the monsters which are going to kill us handsome or beautiful on a daily basis, but this one is surely an exception.

I quickly glanced at my friends. Odell was right behind me. Zelma was really surprised, she had her mouth open as if to say did that baby just turn into a hairy monster with horns at its joints and a handsome face? NO WAY!

I saw Agatha and Leola near the trees. Leola was rooted to her position as we all were and equally surprised. Agatha had her silver sword in her hand, she hid it behind the tree she was leaning on and her face was so difficult to read. Our eyes met for a moment and it turned back to the giant when it made sound again.

"Listen." The baby-monster said.

"We are listening." Mumbled Zelma.

"I'm, well, a giant. Who would believe me if I say that I was once a prince turned to a beast? No one." It said with a beautiful voice.

"Are you? And if you are no harm can we go?" Agatha asked.

"I didn't say that I'm no harm, did I? and yes I was once a prince, see my face. Fantastic isn't it?" He said in a matter of fact tone. I noticed a change in his voice it had a very little tint of Agatha's and Zelma's voice. It was so faint.

"We..." Started Agatha.

"Cut it off Agatha. Don't speak." I said.

"Oh, such a caring young man. You are grasping everything so fast." He complimented me raising one side of his lip into a small smile. I shouldn't be thinking what I'm thinking but I think he is so striking. Except his body ofcourse.

I didn't say a word, nor did anyone else. So he continued.

"My name is Augustus like my name says I'm magnificent." He smiled. "What are yours?"

We exchanged looks but didn't dare to speak anything.

"You don't have to be smart, you know. And I know people like to talk about themselves. All those people did too." He said, now I could hear my voice coming back. He pointed with his thumb finger to the trees behind.

How come I never noticed that? Above the trees were all humans, they are sleeping. Their faces were all just a blur. No noses, lips eyes or anything, just blur. It can't be what I'm thinking. I looked at Augustus. I confirmed, it's definitely what I'm thinking. I don't know what exactly he did but I assume he took their voices when they talked, like he tried to take mine. Then he also took their looks? God, what kind of treachery is this?

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