Chapter 6

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Agatha's POV

I thought I would have a nice healthy start, but NO! I have got bruise on my left knee and my forehead is red. I'm sitting in canteen with Leo and Zelma and other girls whose names I don't remember. Do I have to? I kept my eyes averted from Zelma. I totally lost interest in the first day itself. The coke can is loosing its coldness.

What happened is your question now. Right? I'll say from the beginning.

It all started from this weird dream. I was in a forest with some other people. It was dark I couldn't see the faces. Then I saw my golden chain, the others had it too. Then we fell down a cliff, it was too dark to see anything.

I woke up sweating and gasping for air. Whenever I see a nightmare that day turns into a disaster.

Ok. I'm going to say what really happened. Me and Leo were walking up the stairs of our College - The Treasure Academy College.

There we heard a girl shouting at someone. We heard her say

"Don't you have eyes, can't you see? Sometimes just look up from your phone and walk you idiot!" She blowed at him. That person was much taller and fierce looking but when he was standing near her he didn't look much scary.

"Sorry girl." he said "I have class, I have to go."

"You will not move from here untill you pick up all my papers." she said. Her face was familiar for me I tried to recall.

That guy smirked. "No Sweety, What are you going to do?" He mocked her.

She relaxed her hand. The next second I saw she smacking his face right on the nose. That was painful, really painful. I covered my mouth. I was going to laugh but I didn't want to be rude or anything.

The whole college was looking at them. For half a second he didn't know what happened. Then the pain sweeped in and the blood poured out. Her eyes were still angry and her fist was clenched.

The guy looked around and ran. She ran after him. Poor innocent me was standing over there seeing what was happening. That brainless idiot ran straight to me and pushed me down. I screamed. That was unexpected. He didn't even bother to look at me nor did the girl. I saw her face. It was Zelma, the girl from the book stall.

I automatically stood up. Leo and some people asked me if I was ok. And that's how I got bruise on my knee and that's not it.

First hour I had it with Leo. It was Science. It was good. Nothing much just introduction and things. Prof. Jacob told us about the syllabus, important chapters etc.

Then the second hour came. Leo and I were in different classes. Apparently we only have three classes together. The first hour, then after the break, and the last.

Third hour rolled in. Again I was alone. I reached class first. Made 2 - 3 friends there. There was this boy who was too excited to say about him. He was a bit annoying. I told some lame reasons like I want fresh air, it's so hot and all and I decided to sit near the window. The seat next to me was empty.

With no time the teacher came in. It was Miss Kelly. She was short with horn rimmed glasses. Like every other teacher so far she also introduced herself and the subject. When she was going to ask about us a girl came.
She stood near the door. It was Zelma. She looked at me instead of smiling I looked away.

Miss Kelly let her in with a warning. She searched for a seat quickly with her eyes. Now I realised the only empty seat was next to me. She came and sat near me. Somebody, I think that self obsessed boy, told something about her; it was a mumble. Some of them who heard it looked back at him. Zelma glaired and he closed his mouth.

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