Chapter 5

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Agatha's POV

I woke up at Seven. Leo was already up and was on her laptop. She wished me Good Morning. I also did the same.

I was still in my last day's outfit. I took my brush and shower gel to the bathroom and some clothes.

I came out in fresh clothes and bright smile. Bathing had always made me feel fresh. Leola and I went to the canteen and had breakfast. We decided to go out by nine.

I tried to make a list of things I would want to buy and ended up only with a notebook. Leola made a big list of things which I didn't understand. She told me she was researching something related to plants.

I snapped my fingers. Leola looked me.

"What?" She asked.

"I got an idea, what if we make powered sunlight?"

"Really?" She looked at me confused like what is she saying.

I have seen sunlight detergent powder. Will that work? If I ask her that she might say something else. So better not.

I looked at Leo's clock it said 8:30. So we got up and dressed. I wore a simple grey t-shirt, sweatpants and a white shoe. I braided the top of my hair and put the other half in a pony tail.

I didn't have anything to buy except for a notebook which was optional, so I didn't take my bag .

Leo wore a jumpsuit and took a bag. Leo locked the room and kept the key above the door. I was not that happy about it. I have to jump to reach the key but for her she only have to raise her hand to get it. Wait she will have to stand on her toes. Whatever.

We took the stairs and we were happy about it. The elevator was filled with girls, their parents and their bags. Most of them came without their parents, most probably seniors.

There was a rush for everything. We passed by smoothly. Leola have a car but we walked. I just like that.
The streets were busy with cars and people. The Sunday rush.

We walked and talked, Leola told me about some exotic plants and climate changes. I think plants are easy to look after. Then why are these humans not doing that? Wait, wait, wait. Actually I'm also a human. Aren't I?

My parents said that I look like a human but my thoughts are alien. They said that when I told them about this new science fiction thriller story idea I got. They declined it as soon as I started. But what can my excited and rebellious self do about it? They didn't like my story that doesn't mean others will not too. So I started working on that story and finish it two weeks after the time limit I had given myself. I read it again and again. It was way too violent than I intended it to be. I was creeping me out and was giving this criminal vibe. I stopped reading and drank some water. After that wherever I looked I thought someone was going to abduct me, throw out my organs and use my body for his scientific experiment. I immediately took that book and ran to my parents work room and stuffed it inbetween some of their books. If they are finding out, let them do that. I don't care a bit. My only intension was to get rid of my book and I successfully completed my task.

On the way somebody hit me and I was back from my thoughts.

From our conversation I understood that Leo love flora and fauna and there are so many kinds of plants in her home.

'Leola is a vegan'. This is the conclusion I got. After all these talks about plants and animals it is quiet obvious right. So we went to a vegan restaurant Green Grams and she said she will introduced me to some of her favourite food items.

A waiter came and asked us politely as we went inside the restaurant, "Would you like a table?"

No definitely not, we will go sit on the floor. Carpets for two please. I said in my mind. What kind of question is that? But I didn't say it loud, only in my mind.

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