Chapter 1

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Anonymous POV

"I don't think I can do this, Jem."

"It's okay, this is also for her good."

It was a tender morning, sun rays were only starting to fill the room. The room smelled like chocolate. White net curtains were gently moving with the wind. A homely aura was filled the room. Small birds were singing from the tree branches. A little foggy outside, but it was not that cold. There was a crib and a lively baby inside.

"What if someone tries to harm her?" her voice trembled and vibrated all around.

"Martha, she has got a powerful blessing from her grandmother, and you know that, right? Nothing can harm her."

"No, I can't lose her, she is just a baby!" cried Martha.

"Martha," Jem said, both his arms raised, gripping on Martha's shoulders before she fell. "The Chief said so, and that's it. That's the rule. We must obey him, and we all know that he is a good man and he won't say anything without a reason. Martha, she will come back when the time comes. It's for a good deed. We are doing this for Agatha, our people and for us. She will be good and safe."

"Oh Jem, don't you feel sad? Our poor little baby..."

"We kept her for twelve months. We must let her go; when she grows up she will be our hero. It's her destiny. You heard what the prophecy says, and think about others - they are also letting go of their babies. These five will come back, save Anahoma and our people.'' Jem's voice cracked.

''But twelve months is not a long time,'' she silently pleaded.

"Captain Jem," said a soldier from the door "It's time."

Jem nodded at the soldier, and that soldier left.

"Martha," He said in a soft calm tone.

"Oh no, no Jem, please."

"Martha, I told you, and please don't cry. Agatha needs our blessings. Send her happily. They will come back," said Jem. A tear pouring down his left cheek. He wiped it off quickly, and took Agatha out of her crib and kissed her forehead.

She was such a beautiful baby. She had Chocolate brown hair, her big eyes were brown and sparkling, two little teeth were starting to grow in that baby's mouth. Chubby rose cheeks, small nose. She was saying something that wasn't that clear but was something nearly like "dada".

Little Agatha smiled and playfully pulled her father's beard. Jem smiled and gave Agatha to Martha. Martha wiped her tears and held little Agatha in her arms, keeping her safe, and said with a slight smile, "Agatha my baby," she gave a sob and continued, "Remember, mamma and papa will always be with you." Saying so, Martha took the baby's hand and kissed it. She removed her silver locket, which was shaped like a sword.

It was so dear to Martha. It was her mother's. She gave it to Martha when she was young. The only solid proof she had with her of her mother.

Martha was playing with her friends on the beach. Her hair flying in the breeze, sunlight in her face, her dress moving around like her. Her mother was sitting under a tree, watching her carefully. Martha occasionally smiled at her and she smiled back.

Martha's mother sat straight and looked at the sky, then to her hand. She tightened her grip on the thing she was holding to. She slowly let her hand loose.

"Martha, come here." called her mother. Martha ran as fast as she could.

"This is a small gift for you."

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