Chapter 18

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Odell's POV

The dragon was continuously make noises and it was so annoying. My administration and impression for dragons was blown away by that angry red old dragon.

"Can you ask it to shut up?" I asked.

"She is hungry." Agatha said.

"Then give it something."

"Like what, marshmallows?"

"I don't know. Ask to it."

"Well, we'll try marshmallows then."

She gave a big piece of marshmallow to it and it was silent untill it finished eating. Then again started making gurgling noises.

"She said she liked it."

"Give it one more."

"Okay," she gave it one more marshmallow. It purred and rubbed its black scaly head against her hand "actually I don't think we can keep giving her sugars. It's not good for health."

"Then give it some mangoes." Alton suggested.

"I don't know. Do dragons eat mangoes?" She asked

"Agatha, it will find its own food besides we are stuck in a cave. We have it get out of here." Zelma told her.

"Right." Agatha looked at the dragon kid and sighed. "Let's move on."

"Oh, thanks. The sooner the better." I said happily getting up and putting back all my supplies. The others also stirred slowly. Agatha who's wounds and cuts had disappeared put on her bag but kept the marshmallow packet with her.

I led the way without glancing at the dragon. The others followed me. There were beams of light seeping in through some small holes which made it easy to find our path. There were no curves or crossroads we just followed the path.

It was nice and quiet no disturbance, no dragons, only we are our footsteps.

I heard a purr which was louder than cat's and I turned back. Ugh... It's again that stupid dragon. Did it grow a bit? I eyed it suspesiously. It stubbed upon Agatha's legs and purred.

"Aww... Nightler." Agatha picked that coal coloured dragon. It purred again. "I guess she wants to join us."

I rolled my eyes. I knew it was coming. The little dragon looked at me, it's baby eyes had fire in it. It jumped to me all of a sudden and I moved away from it yelling curses. It ran towards me, I backed away. But as I thought it didn't come to attack me but a poor squirrel minding it's own business was killed without mercy. I closed my eyes. I didn't like seeing someone or something dead. I could hear that wretched creature eating that poor squirrel.

"Um... Agatha, I don't think it will be safe. A dragon just attacked us and this one here is also of the same kind. What if it just kill us if it gets too hungry and did you notice she is growing. It is an animal, we can't be sure about its actions." Said Leola keeping her hand on Agatha's shoulder. Agatha didn't respond.

As the dragon was eating, it increased in size a few inches. Within minutes its wings became more defined, its short horns grew a few centimetres, its limbs, neck and tail elongated. Its dark black colour lightened to shades of navy blue and dots of white were formed. It wasn't much, not as beautiful as the dragon which attacked us. It became half big of our size. If it grew this much by eating a small squirrel then what will happen if it gets to eat a bear? Or just like Leo said what if it gets too big and want to eat us to eliminate its appetite?

"Agatha, do you really want to bring it with us? I mean it's getting too big and it will be a matter of time for that animal to kill us." I said.

"Dragons can be nice to if you raise it right." She said. "I have a plan. We need this dragon to get out of here." She went near the dragon. It gulped the squirrel as a whole and purred but this time it was more of a gruff voice which came out.

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