Chapter 11

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Agatha's POV

"Do not fight with me."

"Well you started it first."



"I said do not keep it in the nest!"

"I like it so I will!"

"If you bring that into my nest I'll kill you."

"Can you please stop it?" I said loud because I couldn't stop myself.

"What?" Zelma interrogated.

"Squirrels." I answered.

Well to my surprise the squirrels stopped quarrelling.

"Did you say that to us?" I heard a squirrel say.

I turned. They were two three trees away from me but they jumped from there to come near me.

"Yes." I said looking at them.

"Are you talking to..." Leola pointed at the squirrels clearing her throat.

"Unfortunately yes." I replied.

"Ok, continue." She said smiling weakly.

"Bad nut problems?" I asked.

"He is not letting me bring this home." The squirrel said showing me a small wooden ball in its paws. It was not even a real nut but a carved wooden ball.

I remembered male squirrels are called boars and female squirrels are called sows.

"Human, it's a bad nut I won't let her bring that here." He said.

"Ok ok. You come here." I called the sow.

"Me?" She asked sniffing her nose.

"Yes you."

She ran and climbed up me and sat on my shoulder. I wispered her an idea I got. She nodded and made a sqeeking noise and ran back to the tree. She ran up the tree and came back with the same speed.

"Thank you human." She said sweetly.

"No worries." I smiled.

The boars scrowled at the sows then turned to me.

"Where are you people going?" He asked.

"Where the map leads us. I mean straight I think." I said moving my hand towards the direction my friends were walking

"Don't go there." It said climbing down.

"Why not? That's where we are supposed to go." I spilled.

"I should say this to you human, a wolf is roaming around here. I don't want you to get hurt. You made my mate happy and that means a lot to me." He told me.

I looked at the sows. She smiled at me, I smiled back. I faced the boars and said, "We have to go. We can't stop. If we did so it is equivalent to dying. Whatever comes in our way we will defend it." As I said I looked at my team. I'm sure we can do what I said. They were listening to what I was saying and they knew something was wrong.

"Then be safe. I can't make you stop your journey, if that's what your destiny is." The squirrel said nodding and ran back to the tree. His mate also joined him to go to their nest. I walked to my friends.

"What did it say? Anything wrong?" Alton asked.

"Yes, we have to be careful from now on. It is not going to be like what we have experienced so far. A wolf is here somewhere we have to stay alert." I warned.

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