Chapter 4

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Agatha's POV

"Agatha, wake up, Agatha." I heard someone calling my name, but I don't want to wake up it's just too cozy in here.

"Agatha wake up, or you are going to miss your college and don't come to us saying to drive back again." When that swept in to my head I instantly woke up slamming my head on the car roof or was it? I guess it was.

I turned to look at the window and the view was just amazing like I had imagined it to be. Huge campus with gigantic ground. On one side it had a lot of trees like a forest, not exactly but it was so green and white. The buildings white so white. In the middle of the ground there is a metal Griffin statue. As soon as I saw it I remembered Harry Potter. Is this really a Gryffindor college? Haha, I'm so lucky. But unfortunately that is not the college's name and nor the Griffin's .

There is this main building which is the biggest and the main building. Then there is Silver Jubilee Block to the right. Which looked like a regular white block with windows and doors, then a Golden Jubilee again to the right of the silver jubilee, which is much bigger than Silver Jubilee. But the thing is that they both were white in spite of their names. Lame joke. I know.

I always wanted to come here, I have been here a long time ago, and it changed a bit. They say there is another building inside the forest. I haven't seen that. Both Golden and Silver is facing a water fountain. It had a bronze tree on top.

Our car passed by the campus slowly giving time to observe.

For some reason I think I'm lucky. I know I am lucky. This time lucky because college is only 15 mins far from my hostel. Yay...

Next what happened I don't want to say boring, you know.

My mom passed me the key, and we took all the luggage and boxes inside. I think I have too many of them. My room is in the 2nd floor, so we took the elevator. The funny thing is our canteen is in the first floor, I'm not sure why it is funny. I think it's because I said so. Hahaha, Again lame joke, it's not even a joke.

We reached the second floor. It was kind of empty except for 4-5 girls. The corridor was pretty long. Fresh new paint, it was peach color. My room number is 204 . We walked to the right side and yes there it is room no. 204. It's far at the end of the hall.

I saw another girl walking in the same direction; the girl from the elevator. She had short hair, a bit shorter than shoulder-length. She wore a white t-shirt, black leggings and a white Nike shoe. She is taller than me, why is everyone so tall? I think I'm only 1 cm shorter than her. So it's fine. Right now she only had a shoulder bag and a luggage bag. Rest of them might be in her car.

Anyway we reached my room. I opened it quickly and hoped in. This one is a bit wider than the usual old dormitories. Just like before new paint, peach color. My parents got in and placed all those boxes near a study table. I also did the same. There were two windows to the right side then the other one straight. I went to the second one and opened it. I had to move the bed to the other side to do so.

"Hi." I heard my mom say cheerfully.

"Hi." I said and turned back. That's when I realized it was not for me haha. Awkward. It was again the girl from the elevator. She said a small hi with a smile.

"Are you staying in this room dear?" My dad asked.

"Yes." She raised to show the key in her hand. She again smiled and got into the room.

"Leola Watson?" I asked awkwardly. They talked to my roommate. I thought I was the one who should talk first, but it's ok, they are helping me.

"Wilson, actually." she said with the same awkwardness and gave a short laugh.

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