Chapter 8

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Leola's POV

Everything literally everything was quick. It was just two days before I came here and met Agatha. She is a sweet girl and her parents my favourite author and cartoonist. She is not at all spoilt and don't have the attitude of having rich and famous parents. She lives simple, excited by every small things.

I didn't expect a girl like her or my very new best friend to be related to me in a way or the other. I know I was bought up by my dad alone. Just two years back only I found out that he got me from his door step. He is the best dad I could ever ask for. And I have to say that I always had the best somehow. Now look at Agatha she is like a kid who is the best in living in her own world and she is always good with people. Everyone likes her, when you get to know her better you will love her more than anything. She is the person with whom I feel more comfortable with. She is so open hearted. She understand problems.

Then after that I met Odell. It was an accident actually. I ran into him. That's when I found my golden locket with him! I knew I had kept it in the shelf somewhere but this guy also had it. Such strange coincidence. I tried to talk to him but it was not a successful attempt so when I met him in the canteen I ran towards him. I somehow told him about the same locket I have with me and things were getting okay when we talked and get to know about each other. But things got weird when Agatha and Zelma came to class and when they sat right behind us. I introduced Odell to them and everything went smoothly. After the class we were sure that there is some peculiarity in the locket. Odell told me about the map like torn paper and a note. I was sure I also have something like that. I promised to meet him that evening.

I didn't get a chance to say about it to Agatha or anyone and that caused some dramatic moments in our hostel room. I found out it was not just me and Odell, Agatha and Zelma were also a part in this dramatic coincidence game.

To speak about our similarities and to take Zelma's map and letter we had to go to her haunted house. I've also heard the legend revolving around that place and house. I also, like her, believed that it was just a psudo story to keep children away from that big mansion.

Agatha armed herself with a jacket and an umbrella with her small bag to go there. I was like a wet dog when I stood there so I changed my clothes to dry ones. I tried to call Odell from there but my friends were just outside the room. I managed to call him from the girls restroom and say all to him.

It didn't surprise me much when I heard the knock in Zelma's door. I know whom I was expecting there but that one thing I didn't expect at all is Alton. Yes Alton. OMG I was so shocked when I heard Agatha called him here. Apparently he was also just like us! Means he was also having all those things we had.

I was wondering if anyone else is going to come seeing that their chain and locket also replicated our's.

The answer is no. Nobody else came there. Five of us sat on the big antique luxury couch and began chatting. We took out our lockets, maps or piece of a full map, and our first letter.

We were talking so seriously and Agatha was playing with the pieces of map, arranging it. She said it looked like a puzzle and to all of our big surprise it was a puzzle.

We got the clues, we got where we have to start. Now a big, a very big path is open for us to explore and experience something new, something about ourselves. If we could find about ourselves it will give us great satisfaction. We all want that. We all have been searching between the words written on the papers but now that we have got the way to really find it we have hope now. A great hope that everything will be OK.

"Leoo" Agatha's voice rang from next door breaking my train of thoughts.

"Yes?" I yelled back.

"Come, Zel have some supplies with her, help us here. You know I don't know anything. Quick!" She again yelled.

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