The Pumpking & The Haven

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Old oneshot in my old oneshot book. Decided to rewrite this for old times sake

♡(> ਊ <)♡

Her fingers ran across a small history book she had read a thousand times. Her sky blue eyes skimmed the part about Haven's history as she murmured to herself. "Havens ran the kingdom of Mirerralia and had special duties. They were the all-powerful wings of "Orious'' also known as the creator of this whole Earth. Tch." The haven flapped her white, gorgeous wings that were tipped in orange. She heard a loud female storm towards her bedroom door and the female quickly hid the history book under her heavy space comforter. Queen Rose didn't bother to knock as she just threw open the door and trotted in. 

"Oh Angela, why can't you be ready one time for once in your life?" Her mother sighed as the queen trotted towards the Angelican princess and moved Angela's blonde hair out of her face. Her sky-blue eyes narrow at her mother's touch. 

Her sky blue eyes turned towards the balcony, wishing she could fly away from Haven city and leave the princess bullshit behind her. A sigh escaped her open mouth as she asked, "Do I have to marry Prince Vulgar shit?" 

Her mother glared at Angela. She was an old-fashioned queen who didn't like traditions being broken. Her mother gave a disappointed look that Angela could've cared less for. "Language. Remember- an Angelican Princess-"

"Holds her tongue. She's a token of charm and beauty to her prince or her husband." 

Her mother smiled. "I raised you well." 

Raised me wrong. Angela thought to herself as a pissed-off look began to paint itself onto her face. I want to see the whole world of Mirerralia. Not be stuck being forced to marry a Prince who yawns all the time and cares more about beauty than intelligence. 

Her mother slapped her cheek a bit as if she could read her mind. "Princesses DON'T go to the outside world. They're needed here to create babies and look like a beautiful jewel." 

Before Angela could say her disgust at what her mother had said, the royal scientist - Jack - walked into the room and glanced towards Angela, noticing the pissed-off look in her face and moved his eyes back towards her mother. Angela couldn't help but glance over his features a thousand times, studying him to keep down her rage. Jack had wavy, blonde hair and teal-colored orbs. He had that dorky smile on his face and Angela glanced at him as his eyes were locked with her mother's. 

"Your highness... a word with the Princess?" His voice was calm and polite, his eyes never faltering off of her mother's cold glare as Angela knew her mother sat in a debate with herself. 

Angela began to cross her arms in disgust as she began to think of her argument. She couldn't see why they couldn't, they were childhood best friends and were still close. Jack was the reason she could even read and write since according to the tradition of the land, females shouldn't read or write. Without thinking, Angela shouted out as her mother had begun to say her famous 'don't ask such a foolish question' speech. 

"Please, I would want to spend my last day of freedom with my best friend!!" 

"Fine... Just because you guys knew each other growing up," her mother gave in, shooting Angela a scolding look of distrust as she began. "I trust you not to do something.... 'stupid'." 

"Mom..." Angela groaned. "Leave." 

"That's no way to talk to your queen, even if you're my daughter." The queen sat up, dusted off her jeweled dress, and adjusted the blonde braid that tapped her back every time she walked. Her mother trotted down the steps; however, she kept the door cracked open to make sure they wouldn't try anything foolish, which amused Angela. 

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