Internalizing Homophobia

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Warnings: mentions of sex and homophobic slurs/thoughts are used in this. This is probably the closest I'll ever get to writing anything "steamy"... Probably


"I feel... Odd? I have never felt this way before," his voice cracked as his friend's eyes glanced up and down at him.

"I know how to fix this... You gotta trust me," the male breathed into his ear.

... And he responded with a headshake, unable to quiet down his loud pantings. "Anything to fix whatever THIS is."


His face remained bright red a few moments after what had transpired. His senses were overloaded with giddy and glee that he couldn't help himself from feeling like he could touch the sky; achieve a new kind of height with the ecstasy he endured.

"How was it for your first time...?" A pant came from behind him as he felt soft lips delicately press on his pale skin. His back shivered at the small action which made him want to call out for more; however, he refused to be seen as weak.

His giddy and glee began to morph into true horror when he glimpsed at the silver mirror, finally realizing what he had asked Francis to do to him. Oh fuck

"Archie?" Francis raised an eyebrow as he must've known the Britishman's eyes were glued to the mirror like gum on the sidewalk. He bit his lip roughly as he noticed a small zig zag pattern of bruises down the edge of his neck to his left shoulder. He frantically shoved away from the Frenchman who let out a surprised squeak.

"God, remind me to never do that with you again, especially if you want me to beg your name," the male hissed as a soft mewl escaped his already open mouth when he felt the male bite at his flesh.

"For shame. You did exactly as I told you, however," the Frenchman's eyes twinkled as the Britishmale stumbled for his clothing and to edge away from his dear friend.

"I will now bury this in the depths of my mind and so will you."

"What? Don't wanna relieve what we did every single day?" The Frenchman teased as the Britishmale adjusted his tie before putting on his suit jacket. A wave of emotions swallowed him all up as he couldn't bare to think of the consequences that would follow after this event.

"I could loose everything I worked hard for if this little..." Archie paused, trying to think of something witty; however, the Frenchman frowned slightly. "... Event got out." He couldn't bear the thought of his hard work breaking for a small, dumb stunt. Shifting the thought away, he began to hit himself slightly for not being able to control his hormones.

He grabbed for his pants and struggled to zip up from how shaky his hands were. Francis gave a huff, coming behind him and zipping the pants up tightly. His hands raked against his groin area and he couldn't help that he felt... Excited again. "God damnit... Now my whole life is going to be quaking with fear if someone finds out this happened! I have never been so humiliated than right now."

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