If I Howel At The Moon, Would You Love Me Still? [PART ONE]

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This oneshot is for pastelchromist and was inspired off of when Pastel was listening to the song Animals and was like: werewolf SergMav

So here we are! This is part one out of two and this will have:
— spicy content
— blood
— manipulation

Read at your own risk


Whenever someone would ask her about love: all she gave was a tilt towards the sky and a click of her tongue. 

❝ What about it? I don't believe in such a thing. ❞ she always told a white lie: something to protect herself from the dangers of opening her heart up and exposing everything. However, that didn't stop him from sweeping her off her feet. 

It had been a cold winter's day, the snow barely even manageable as she tripped, stumbling head first into a sight of slobber and teeth. A dark growl had escaped the opened mouth as she remained on all fours: frozen. Terrified. Her heart beat faster than her little legs would carry her and then. 

And then a shot rang through the air, her ears ringing multiple minutes before her green eyes noticed crimson residue sprayed over the snow while dark scarlet poured out of the creature's wolf-like body. 

❝ You okay? ❞ the stranger held out his hand, helping her out of the snow as her gothic apparel was drenched in white, purifying her goth aesthetic. 

❝ I.. um… ❞ she practically married him on the spot… He just didn't know. 


❝ When are you ever going to sweep someone of their feet, you're too lonely and handsome enough to die alone? ❞ questioned Mavy. It was her favorite past time to do to get under Sergei's skin whenever he'd walk through her front door, placing down his rifle that carried silver bullets. 

❝ Whenever you'd stop pestering me if I'd get married, or whatever. ❞ A sly smirk curved itself on his lips for a short second before Mavy let out a small scoff, she couldn't help it. 

❝ So never? ❞

❝ Guess it seems like that, ❞ Sergei moved towards the kitchen as he opened the fridge, taking out the soup that Mavy had cooked the night previous. She felt him watching her from the corners of his eyes as she flattened herself straight on the couch, basically prying her eyes off the attractive male. She couldn't help but think back to the first night she was saved: staring up at his allusive red eyes and being pulled up to practically being able to kiss him: suffocating. 

 ❝ You hungry? ❞

❝ Already eaten, ❞ she informed as she noticed his red eyes studying her, his shoulders loosened; however, his posture was as straight as always. 

❝ May I ask you a question? Promise you won't get mad? ❞

❝ What's the question? ❞

❝ Promise you won't get mad ? ❞ she didn't wish to see the male's red eyes narrow or for his body to go back to being tense: he had just learned to soften up around her and she didn't wish to start at square one… or square negative eighty four. 

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