My Dear Hungarian Friend~

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A rewrite of an old drabble in my old drabble book!

Includes violence, feelings of inadequateness and descriptive scenes of gore


"Why can't you ever listen? This is why we will never be together. You're not someone I wanna spend the rest of my life with." 

Those words boiled him to a small crisp. His clean smirk dropped down to a deepening frown, his brown eyes steaming at the small Hungarian.

"What do you mean, IstIsti?"

"Stop calling me that, dipshit," the Hungarian growled while he rose on his tippy toes. His small and slim figure couldn't compare to the height of the Romanian, which caused him to scoff at the fire that burned within István. "I have someone better to waste my time on. Good day."

The smaller's hand made contact with the softness of the Romanian and before he could lash out, the smaller darted around the corner, not waiting to find out what the Romanian would do.

Although that all transpired a month ago, his mind raged at the betrayal. He paced infront of his picture of him and Hun so friendly, both their eyebrows high and gleaming eyes of anticipation!

Those were the good old times, weren't they? His mind wept while the anger remained in his gooey, chocolate eyes. His mind pondered over many situations; what was he to do?

He heard his house door open as his small (and more fragile brother) crept within the eerie house. His chocolate eyes drooped, gazing around curiously. His shoulders tensed as he noticed Roman staring at him through the crack of the door.


"He... He... Austria..." Moldova choked as the door flung itself open, Roman charged forward, his eyes burning through Daniel's soul. He slammed Daniel to the ground, peering over his shoulder with a hysterical smile.

"You've done well."

"What are you going to... Do...?"

He didn't open his mouth as he slammed the door open and slammed the door shut, causing small splinters to lunge out all over.

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