How Good Of An Ally Are You Test

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After reading lilspacebirb 's oneshot and Addxiety and listening to the grim dark creepypasta of The Friendship Test, I could help but feel inspired to write my own oneshot of this and how my characters would react to in this situation -

Blood, gore and descriptive deaths and scenes are featured in this oneshot, please don't read if you're uncomfortable with this kind of stuff.


" ... " The male's body heaved up as he glimpsed around in the unlit room, his sunglasses were still on and probably weren't helping the fact that it was so dark in the room.

" ... Maple ..? " His groggily voice asked out, his body ached in pain and he last remembered hanging out with his younger twin brother. A couple of seconds later, he had finally heard a small squeak respond,

" ... I'm here... "

" What in hell's name am I doing here? " A British voice rang out through the dark and a small glimpse of light up the darkroom, revealing others in a small jail cell.

" .. w-what is this..? " A quiet female's voice rang out into the darkness as they all heard a loud shout coming from the German, Buck.

" Don't touch ittttt! This is a powerful substance that was used back in world war 2, it's illegal to have ...! "

" Very good ~ " a cold hiss rang out from the darkness as a tall silhouette made its way to the center of the room. Red eyes glowed from the dark as the lights snapped on a bit, revealing a colorless room with molding walls. " It would've been a shame if a player was to get hurt so... early into the round. "

" Sergei...? What in the world are you doing !?? " Istvàn shouted, he had a long scar down the middle of his forehead that hadn't been there before.

Sergei's face had been covered by shadows before but now, everyone could see the darkness that laid in hiding in his dark and gloomy red eyes. He adjusted his hat that laid on top of his head as his gray hair poked out the bottom.

" I've got a game I wanted all of you to try out ~ " he veered his body around the small circle and stood directly in the middle. " I've always been curious.. what made a good Ally? And since you guys are ... close ... " The male stopped when the tsundere interrupted him.


" Hmm...~? " Was all that Sergei acknowledged, spinning around as he grabbed out a small notebook with the cover hanging off of the binding. It was an old notebook and Sergei perked his eyes up after he was done writing.

" What are you planning on doing...? " Mitch broke through the uncomfortable silence, his sunglasses were on top of his blond hair as his stormy gray eyes glanced around the dull room.

" The first challenge will be a challenge of kindness... " Sergei smiled, he turned towards Mitch and a sour smile painted themselves onto his chappy lips.

" Will you sacrifice something of yours for someone else or will you take something from them ~? "

Sergei grabbed something out of his pocket and he felt the blade of the small ax. Dry blood remained on the Russian's fingertips as he wiped it on his brown jacket.

" Chop off someone's hand off or chop your own off. " Sergei placed his hands behind his back, the ax straight in the middle.

" Before we start this game, I just want to let you know of some ground rules, failure to follow the rules will resort in someone being eliminated at random for trying to attack me so it would be better if you didn't try to do something rash ~ "

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