The Tyrant Queen

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This is a writing submission for Gmrsugarart's contest ! This is probably going to be my only submission since I have no motivation to draw so don't expect any drawings from me this time around !

~ the prompt ~

~ story ~ This was originally going to be a poem; however, I decided to mash some themes together

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~ story ~
This was originally going to be a poem; however, I decided to mash some themes together. There are motifs and symbols in here so if you wanna do some analysis, this is probably the perfect story for this (although this could be a weaker story ??) xD


"When is a monster not a monster?" Asked a petite girl who sat upon her throne of marigolds and lilies, and her freezing eyes pierced the ruler of the winter realm; however, not a shiver slid down his spine. 

"Oh, when you love it." The sentence was brief, coated in a kiss from a blizzard as his eyes never gazed off her. The Queen of the Summer realm only gave a miniature chuckle, ignoring the mimsy comment. 

"How do you apprehend, Wolf? I know that people from your court are the monsters who browbeat my people; however, when my son marries you, you will be educated and given culture. The valid culture." 

"Trust me, Camilla, everyone loves a monster." He departed on his heels as he began to trot towards the bubbly and bright entrance. The Summer Queen's eyes only rolled in their place as the Winter King rubbed the bright marigolds, feeling the soft petals that froze into a withering flower. "Oh, Camilla?" 

"What?" Camilla snapped as she touched a weed on the grassy floor and grew it into a healthy marigold. She placed the plant to her nose as she softly inhaled, taking the sweet scent of summer. 

"The way you dictate is much more different than how it is back in my home with the people electing what we should do." 

"And? When my son weds you. The Winter court will be great allies." 

"You rule with an iron fist. I don't want that of my people, and I know Jake believes that way. We've talked about it." He stated smoothly as Camilla only circled her eyes, not engaged in whatever debate he wanted to start. 

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