Trapped With No Exit

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This is for pastelchromist's July - August writing challenge!

Warning: abuse , violence, fucked up behavior and blood. Proceed with caution if these things trigger you


"Do you really believe that Moon and the four girls ACTUALLY disappeared on their way to work?" Snorted Shadow as he interrupted his shorter manager. She began to adjust her blonde pigtails as her mouth gaped open. "My sister goes missing for attention. I'm sure this is one of her sick pranks."

"They've been missing for three weeks! I don't think it's a cruel joke, Shadow."

"Naïve, Paris. Quick to believe everything without taking an analytical approach to things. You're like a colorful crayon."

His manager tensed up at that statement as she flicked the light switch, turning the establishment she owned off. "Annnnnnd guess who lost their ride home."

"I'll walk," he snorted as he grabbed his red bag that he gripped intensely. The red fiber began to wrap around his fingers as Paris punched in the code to completely locking down the fastfood building as her purple eyes glimpsed back to look at him.

"I was just joking..."

"I know," he chirped proudly. His stance powerful and leaned towards the Frenchwoman, giving her shoulder a punch. "Besides, I'm untouchable. If I go missing, you get all my stuff."

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