Under The Mistletoe ~

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Payment for Gmrsugarart

The fox couldn't comprehend how SHE of all people couldn't possibly of been invited to her friend's Christmas party. Even though she acted like it was no big deal (and would still show up anyways) , she would silently suffer a small ache of her friends not wanting her there. 

She skipped towards her dresser, glancing at herself in the mirror and doing some small poses, trying to get her attitude and spirit up. She leaned forward with her favorite lipstick in her hand and ran the lipstick over her lushes lips, turning it from a small light pink to a dark and fearsome red. 

She sighed as she made her way towards the small closet; she turned the shiny doorknob. She spotted the marvelous dresses and thanked her parent's wallets for enabling her to have all this delightful stuff. 

She seized a dark blue dress at first and directed her body towards the mirror. The texture and the darkness of the blue would not do as she wanted to be the angel that would stick out in the crowd. She dug and dug and dug within her wardrobe, shredding out clothes upon clothes until she came upon a silvery dress that came down to her knees and had laces upon laces. She clutched the petite, silky wool coat that went with it. Summer planted a hand on her cheek. Clearly, she had obtained the right one to stick out. 

" I CANNOT wait until they see THIS Summer —! " she shouted to herself, as she twirled on the heels of her feet. She shifted back to the glass mirror and winked while saying, 

" Nobody can handle THIS beast ~ " she purred as she glimpsed at her glass, high-heeled slippers. Those would be PERFECT for the Christmas dance one of her friends was possibly hosting! She seized her light blue bag that she always hung up on a small hook in her bedroom and took off, her high heels clicking against the stairs as her mother only caught a flash of color as she left. 

The coldness of the breeze hit her face as Summer shivered in her dress as she fumbled for her car keys. Summer's hands were frozen to the touch as she noticed her younger sister Mavis walk out of the house they both lived. Mavis wore a seafoam green dress that exposed the back and shoulders. She wore her winter jacket and trotted towards Summer. 

" hey Sum, I thought you were on a date? " Mavis confusingly asked as she saw Summer open her door and beckoned Mavis to join her. 

" I got a text from my BFF letting me know that she wants to hang out at the Christmas party ~ " Summer lied to her younger sister with ease. Mavis sat down on the leather of the fancy red car and listened to her older sister. 

" but — " Summer explained dramatically as she started up the car engine . " she didn't tell me whose house the gathering was being THROWN at ... It's... It's... a monstrosity ! " she milked the performance for as long as she could and gave a small smirk when Mavis's smile turned into a melancholy frown. 

" I'm so sorry to hear that... " Mavis sadly said. " Moon is throwing the party! " Mavis chirped as Summer's eyes bounced back, letting out fake sniffs as they finally stopped when she heard Mavis' reassurance. What a naive child Mavis was...

Summer took off into the shade of the night, driving her fancy car as Mavis gave Summer directions as to how to get to this... 'Moon' person's house. 

~ time skip ~ 

The mansion was small, tired, and old. It seemed cozy for an old couple to live, not for anyone to live in for fun. 

Summer strolled towards the door behind Mavis and observed the white door open, revealing kids who Summer deemed as 'outcasts'. Summer wrinkled her nose as she didn't strike out her big performance and only regarded everyone in silence.

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