History Revealed

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People are often products of the environment they grow up in. My mother Hela is the daughter of Oden sister of Thor and Loki. I wasn't in Oden's plans he had plans for her to be the ruler of Asgard, she was a warrior and such a perfect fit. That was until she met Atlas, king of Niflheim world of the mist. They were a great people I'm told warriors all of them, they had been attacked by the ice giants of the Jotunheim killing atlas' father, his mother died shortly after the love of her life was stolen from her. Atlas was then an orphan and making him king at a young age. since then it has been his goal to seek revenge for the death of his parents. But meeting Hela changed his outlook, he imagined this is what his father felt when he met his mother head over heels. He gave her a necklace that had the six infinity stones to protect her if anything were to happen to him. 

Oden found out about the two of them and was livid. He wanted no distractions for his daughter and with Atlas the boy king of all people. Oden wasted no time in letting the Jotunheim know of his little predicament, he made a deal with them they could have Niflheim if they killed Atlas for him. They of course being a greedy people agreed. they started attacking  Niflheim and of course, Atlas had to go and protect his people Hela had to of course stay behind after just learning she was with child. She got word that Atlas had died and Oden had gotten word of the child she was carrying he stole the infinity stones and scattered them across the universe before he banished her to what is now called hell, and she gave birth to a child that was me, to protect this child she went to recollect all six infinity stones. So that once he was old enough he could weld them to take revenge on Oden of Asgard. 

I lived in Hell for years and one day I get a visit from Fairy Godmother came and gave me a new job. Originally when people who used magic light or dark it would just out of the person after they died and found a new home in someone else. Or they could pass it down to someone whether that be a child or an apprentice. But Fairy Godmother decided that it would all just go down to the Underworld and it would die with the person she had tasked my father with disposing of it. But I of course had different plans. 

I had the stones for years deciding what to do with them, I met Maleficent and was impressed her rage and want for revenge almost was equal to mine. Granted mine went back generations but I could work with hers. She has her soulmate King Stephan stolen from her by some girl named Leah. The king had to marry a princess someone of noble heritage and Maleficent was never going to be that someone they both knew. That still did not ease the pain for her, she had to watch them have a child even though her efforts to get rid of the said child, she failed.

 So enter me I promise her revenge showing her the stones and telling her of my plan for our offspring. She had to go and get attached to our children. It was such a simple plan really all we had to do was have six children and fuse them to the infinity stones. However, Mal when she was pregnant with Hannah she almost died, after that, she refused to have any more children and had her uterus removed to make sure of it. I contemplated finding another woman to give me one more child but abandoned that plan for fear of ruining what I already started so I decided one child would have would just have to have two.

Power stone to my oldest Hayden. The Power Stone is an incredible power source, it increases the user's physical abilities and allows it to manipulate energy, which, when used at full potential, has enough power to obliterate an entire planet when unleashed.

 TheTime Stone to my next child Holden. When wielded by someone having the necessary knowledge and skills, it appeared to be able to control the flow of time, be it on a small or massive scale, notably to turn back something to a previous state, to accelerate its time in order to apply changes that have not happened yet, or to lock it in a time loop, resetting its state until the wielder stops its effect.

The Space stone to my oldest daughter Mal. It is capable of controlling space itself, providing the user instant access to any location throughout the universe if used correctly.

The Mind stone to my favorite child Elizabeth. It grants the user powerful mental abilities, like the power to subjugate the minds of others, bending them to the will of the user, as well as project the user's consciousness to a higher plane of existence. The stone was also said to greatly increase the intelligence of those capable of wielding it,

The reality stone to the youngest Hannah. It acts as a symbiotic force, capable of being absorbed into the body of a living host, giving the user the ability to warp reality at will, granting that person immense strength, durability, powers, and subjective influence over the universe.

Now when it came to the last stone I took my time watching each of my children grow and see who among them would be the holder of the last stone. Elizabeth my pride and joy, she stood out among the rest strong not only in body but in mind as well. Even though I despise magic I did use it, I had been storing it up for years for my successor to use, then when  Elizabeth showed such promise I decided it was going to be injected into her. then I gave her the Souls stone An object that has the ability to manipulate the soul and essence of a person, control life and death, and contains a pocket dimension called the Soulworld. there is little record of its existence compared to the other Infinity Stones. 

Ever since I chose her when a dead magical person dies she got another injection. I made them all practice with their powers, they would train for hours if they messed up I would punish them, or if they decided to not use their powers or just defy me in any way they would be punished. I wanted them to train together because I want them to all serve Elizabeth when she becomes the Queen of the Underworld.

But I guess plans have to change they are a stubborn bunch well they are my kids after all so I shouldn't be so surprised. 

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