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I wait a couple of minutes and knock again louder this time and he finally opens the door.

"We need to talk." I say.

"Come in." He says opening the door for me to come in then shutting the door behind us.

I walk into his room and sit on his bed.

"Does your boyfriend know your here?" He sits on a chair across from me.

"No Harry he doesn't. I need to ask your opinion on something." I say.

"Shoot." Harry replies.

"I know we both had similar childhood experiences, 90% bad with the other 10% semi-decent. I was wondering if you had the chance to erase all the bad memories and only remember the good ones would you?" 

"Had you asked me years ago I would have said yes, but now I have a different outlook."

"What changed your mind?"

"My father was so abusive and awful towards me and my sister and it shaped me into the man I am today. It also brought me to Hannah, she has been the one good thing in my life and if suffering through everything I went through was the only way for me and your sister to be together then so be it."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"Why do you ask?" Harry asks, I take the vial out of my pocket and show him.

"Mal found a spell and made a potion that can take away all the bad memories of my father. All I have to do is drink this." 

"So are you going to take it?"

"I don't know. I would much rather give it to my siblings, spare them the horrible memories."

"There you go again putting your siblings first."

"It's my job."

"And you're very good at. You and your sister have huge hearts."

"You really love her don't you?" Harry bushes at my question.

"She is the only person who cares about me. So of course, I do, I would do anything for her, she's all I got." 

"No Harry she is not all you have. Your a part of this family now like it or not."

"Does that mean I get magical powers too?" Harry smirks.

"No, but if you're ever in trouble you have the Hades family to watch your back." I smile. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to be fitted for a dress, unfortunately." I say standing up and walking to the door.

"Pfffttt." Harry laughs and I squint back at him. "Your gonna wear a dress?"

"Keep it up and my father will get to meet his daughter's boyfriend, sooner than you hoped." I say and he stops laughing. "Bye Harry." I say leaving his room. I walk back over to Evie and Mal's room contemplating what Harry said.  If I take it I will forget all the things my father did to me, but forgetting all that will mean I will also forget all the things I did to save my siblings including coming here to Auradon. I reach Evie's door and knock.

Queen of Fire** *UNDER EDITING* UPDATE SOON**Where stories live. Discover now