A Day Full of Firsts

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I snap my fingers and poof back to my room to be alone. I sit on my bed and look at the book 'Encyclopedia of Netherworlds' I flip to the appendix and search for dreams.

"Dreamworld, dream world its got to be in here somewhere." I say to myself as I furiously search the book, I turn the page and keep searching. "Page 305 Dreamworlds." I turned to the page in the book, but before I could read it someone started banging on the door. "Where's Cerberus when you need him?" I shout. I go up to the door and swing it open to reveal a face who I have definitely missed all night last night.

"Morning." Ben says.

"You look tired." I say as I let him in my room and close my door behind him.

"Yeah I'm sorry about last night, I couldn't sleep at all. If you were waiting for me I am truly sorry." Ben said as he sat on my bed.

"I couldn't sleep either. Actually I've been trying to find out why."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I've been thinking to myself don't you think it's weird that the first day you and I are close to each other we can't sleep?"

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"So, promise me you won't be mad." I say rocking back and forth on my heels.

"What did you do?" Ben asks crossing his arms.

"I may have... broken into the restricted section of the library and gotten a book on Netherworlds." I say as quickly as I can.

"Lyza, those books are restricted for a reason. You're going to get in so much trouble." Ben scolds

"Yes, but doesn't the King have the power to pardon people." I say shyly

"Well deal with your punishment later. What did you find in the book?"

"I just found the page when you knocked on my door. Here come sit." I sit at the head of my bed and pat the spot next to me, Ben shakes his head and sits next to me. I open up the book back to the page and start reading.

"When two people are in a dream world together it is because they are soulmates that haven't met yet. Once they meet they become inseparable. Unless they are together they will not be able to sleep." Ben reads. "If they don't come together in some type of union within 6 months of meeting they will both die of a broken heart. This is the result of being cursed by the Goddess of Love."

"Have you met this Goddess of Love?" I ask turning to Ben.

"No have you?"

"No, so why would she put a curse on two people she has never even met?"

"I have no idea but I am definitely going to find out."

"But in the meantime were apparently soulmates?" I ask shocked.

"Well, that I could have told you a long time ago." Ben turns to me and places his hand on my chin and brings my face to his. We both smile at each other, Ben leans in and plants a loving kiss on my lips.

"So I guess we have to be together then. It's our destiny." I say as we part our lips. 

"So then," Ben says as he takes my hand in his. "Lyza Hades will you be my girlfriend?"

"I would love nothing more." I say with the biggest smile in the entire world on my lips. I lean my head on his shoulder and he puts his head on mine. "So what now?"

"Now you wear my ring." Ben says as he takes his ring off his hand. "If that's ok with you?"

"Are you sure?" I ask shyly.

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