The begining

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Once upon a time, long, long ago, well, more like 20 years ago Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Some true love crap was said and it was supposedly so romantic. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. So as the newly elected king he had to do something amazing so he could be "remembered as a great king" so, he rounded up all the villains and sidekicks, basically all the really interesting people, and booted them off to the Isle of the lost with a magical barrier to keep them there. They held a whole parade and dedicated a statue for him.

Years later they eventually had two children Twin boys named Benjamin and Brian. And since the whole Frankensteined monstrosity democracy monarchy, they decided to have two Kings to rule together. But who cares about those goody two shoes, let's talk about the cool people the villains, they were forced by King Beastie Boy to leave their homes and go to the Isle of the Lost.

 This is my hood, No magic, No wi-fi, No way out. Or so I thought. But what the King and Queen didn't know was that Maleficent and Hades hatched a plan. They rallied all the villains together and became Queen and King of the Isle they also had children. Being Maleficent and Hades children definitely had its perks but it also had its downfalls which definitely outweighed the good.  They have five children together the oldest twin boys Hayden and Holden they Hades' pride and joy. Then there were the twin girls Mal and Elizabeth, and the youngest Hannah. For being on the Isle of the lost they were a pretty happy family, all things considered, for the first 5 years they ruled the Isle with an iron fist. Hades and Maleficent were a great team no one could match them. But something happened and they split up. Maleficent took Mal with her when she left and Hades kept the rest of the children when they were little. So the children became enemies Mal had her crew with Jay, Carlos, and Evie. and Elizabeth had her siblings and Uma, Harry, and Gil.

But it wasn't all moonlight and fog, Hades was never Dad of the year he was awful to his children, he took out his anger for his wife out on his children. I should know because I'm his daughter. My name is Elizabeth Hades but if you call me Elizabeth I will burn you alive, call me Lyza.

 I currently am sitting on my father's throne contemplating my next move, the fact that I am sitting still in the Underworld means that Uma had failed at getting the wand. What don't tell me you thought Uma was smart enough to think of the plan, It was my plan to kidnap Brian to get the wand. I am the leader of the Curse after all the most powerful group on the Isle we now rule the Isle with an iron fist. I would have been there my self but that would require me to go in the sunlight, which is something I never do as I'm stewing in my own disappointment and trying to think of appropriate punishments for the failures, I'm interrupted by my idiot older brother. 

"Lyza!" Holden yells as he pokes his head into the throne room.

"What, can't you see I'm plotting?" I snap back, turning in his direction.

"We found the failures." Holden said as he opened the door, Uma walked in first then Harry then Gil with Hannah and Hayden behind them so they don't try to escape. They walked up to the stairs and Hannah and Hayden pushed them all down to their knees.

"Gee and I thought we were friends." Uma said.

"We are friends, and friends help each other out or so I'm told. See I have this problem." I say as I get off the throne, I walk down the stairs to where they were and pace back and forth in front of them. "My problem is that I should have taken care of this myself. Instead of relying on a bunch of pirates."

"They gave us a fake wand. What were we supposed to do?" Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Come back here and tell us." Hannah said as she rolled her eyes.

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