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I was sitting on the doctor's table waiting for the doctor to come back he had only been gone a short time and I imagine will be back soon. When we arrived back into the royal wing Belle pretty much light a fire under all the medical staff here to find out what was wrong with the king's future wife. I of course blushed when she said that. I know we have talked about me being the future Queen of Auradon me and Ben. But hearing it from someone else is definitely strange. I tried to tell Belle that they needn't make such a fuss over me. But reminded me about what she said about not backtalking her so I immediately gave up. I think they ran every medical test they possibly could on me so they better come back with some kind of result otherwise I went through all this for nothing.

"Your majesty and Your Ladyship, I have results of the test." The doctor says as he returns into the room. 

"Yes, what did they say?" Belle asks.

"Well everything came back fine, you are perfectly healthy for a woman in your condition." The doctor says, my head shoots up and I look up at him with a look of utter confusion.

"What do you mean a woman in my condition?" I ask somewhat afraid of the answer.

"My lady, you are with child," the words left his mouth almost in slow motion, my brain started racing a million miles a minute, 

I'm pregnant? How did that happen? Well, I know how but, I didn't think that could happen at least not to me. Everything that happens to me is bad so now that something that is not considered bad is happening I have absolutely no idea what to do. How do I tell Ben? What's Ben going to say? Will he be happy? We haven't even talked about having kids so I have no idea how he will react. And now Belle knows how is she going to react to me being pregnant with her grandchild. Accepting me is one thing but then add a child into the mix and as young as we are into the mix I can't imagine will be easy. Plus not only am I having Ben's baby but our child is now next in line for the throne of Auradon and actually the UnderWorld. Maybe ill leave the Underworld Part of it out and worry about that later. 

"Lyza, Lyza! Snap out of it!" Belle called shaking me out of the trance. 

"Sorry I'm just in a state of shock I guess. I can't believe I'm pregnant." I state.

"I am too, but I'm also really excited."

"Really you are?" I asked quite surprised at her words. She nods in response. I look at her face trying to find any traces of her not being truthful. But I can see it in her eyes she is really happy, actually, her eyes remind me so much of Ben full of happiness and optimism, I figured he got his sunny disposition from his mother but now I know for sure.

"What?" She says probably wondering why I am just staring at her. I smile a huge smile at her.

"Nothing you just remind me so much of Ben right now. He's always so positive and optimistic when I'm just like a stormy broken rain cloud. Now I know where he gets it from."

"Thank you, I'm glad I could pass that down to my son. And you are not a stormy broken rain cloud. You are a beautiful strong young girl who had a huge heart. And I know you both are gonna be amazing parents."

"You really think so? I mean I know Ben will he had amazing parents raise him. I had literally evil personified as parents. Well, parent, my mom took Mal and abandoned my siblings and I, leaving us with my abusive father to mentally and physically abuse us as much as he wanted. How on earth am I supposed to be a good mother." I choke out trying to hold back tears but failing at it. Belle notices and further proving my point being the amazing mother she is brings me into her arms and rubs my back. As soon as she starts rubbing my back I break down into full audible sobs. 

We stayed like that for a long while until I have no tears left to cry. She turns and takes tissues out of the box on the side table then hands them to me. I wipe my eyes and face, I laugh imagining what I look like after crying my eyes out like that. She smiles a small smile at me to comfort me and I return it.

"Well, I'll tell you my secret to being a great mother." She says.

"What's that?"

"I didn't have a mother either."

"Really, I'm sorry, what happened to her?"

"She died when I was a baby of typhoid fever, I never met her but my father told me all sorts of stories about her. Then when I found out I was pregnant with Ben and Bryan I thought about all those stories and thought about what I wanted from her if she was here. So that what I did I became the mother I wanted to have for myself for my sons. So take what you wished your mother had done for you and do those things for your child and I promise you can't go wrong."

"I was right you are the best mom in the world." I state as I hug Belle she laughs and hugs me back. "I have to go tell Ben,  can I ask you not to tell anyone until we're ready please." 

"Of course dear, my lips are sealed." I hug Belle one more time before leaving and finally heading to Ben's office. 

Maybe things are finally actually looking up. Maybe I can get a happy ending so we had a couple of bumps in the road along the way but from here on out hopefully it will be smooth sailing. A girl can hope right. I place my hand on my belly where mine and Ben's Unborn child is growing and smile.

"Little one you are already so loved. Let's go tell your daddy about you." I whispered and snapped my fingers so I was in front of Ben's office door. Well, it's now or never. 

Queen of Fire** *UNDER EDITING* UPDATE SOON**Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora