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And with a flash of white light, I ended up at someplace deep in the woods. I float down to the ground and take in my surroundings. Ther were what look like columns of an old stone gazebo to my left and in front of it was a cliff that had water underneath it. The lake in front of me sparkled like nothing I had seen before. I could feel some kind of aura off of it. It was enchanted, I'm sure of that. I feel this pull to it not only because its water but also because of the magic it holds. Once I reach the edge of the water I dip my toe in, feeling the cool ice blue water calming me. I took a couple of more steps forward to the water, the thing was I didn't ever get in I was walking on top of it. I kept walking amazed by this and ended up in the middle of the lake. I stood there for what seems like forever. It was like I could feel the magic flowing through me and the Lake.

After what feels like hours I finally get out of my trace still floating on the water. I turn and look at Ben sitting on the side of the river with his head in his hands. He looks up at me and gets up quickly and gets as close to the edge of the water as possible. 

"Lyza!" Ben shouts. I just smile at him and walk back over to where he was. Once I was back on dry land I wrap my arms around Ben.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"This is the enchanted lake." Ben wraps his hands around my waist and kisses my forehead. "We were all worried about you. You've been here for 2 weeks in a magic coma. Weve been taking turns here watching you, I made everyone go home to day  so they could rest." I was shocked at what he said, 2 weeks it felt like I was only here for an hour maybe 2.

"Wow, it definitely didn't feel that long, I'm so sorry if I worried you, You must have not been able to sleep." I take my hand and place in on Ben's cheek lovingly.

"I'm ok. I've just been worried about you."

"I'm ok. It was protecting  me from something and  it reenergized like I need this."

"What's going on with you? You were just walking on water, had a magical force field with the lake, and the whole thing with the lightning."

"Well apparently I have always had these powers but I haven't been able to access them until now. We think being under the barrier suppressed them. I can control all living things, the weather, water, air, the earth, fire, ice, animals, even people if I so choose. Freaky isn't it?'

"How did you find out about these?"

"Some guy was flirting with me and even though he was told I am with you he didn't care. It made me so angry at his disregard for our relationship. My eyes started glowing blue which has never happened before, and the sky turned black and lightning cracked across the sky. After that, he ran away." I could feel Ben tense up after I told him about the guy flirting with me.

"What's his name?" Ben says with a growl.

"Baby don't do this." I say holding him even tighter snuggling my head into his chest.


"Ben I don't wanna cause any more problems than I already have."

"You didn't do anything wrong baby girl, he did. Now, this will be between me and him so tell me."

"Chad, his name is Chad."

"I'll take care of him." Ben starts to pull away from me but I don't let him go.

"Ben please, just stay with me please." I start to tear up a little. Ben stops, puts his hand gently on my face and strokes his thumb across my cheek. "I don't know how much time we have before he comes, so can we just go somewhere just the two of us?"

"Anything for you baby girl. Follow me." Ben says leading us back to his castle.

"Where are we going?" I say leaning my head on his side. His arms wrap around me holding on tight, I have both arms wrapped around him too.

"Back to our room. I think we both need to just relax for a while before tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"Tonight is a party to welcome the new kids from the Isle."

"I've been in a magical coma and you were planning a party?" I squint at him. 

"Jane planned it while we were looking for the goddess of love."

"Any luck with that?"

"No, not yet."

"Well at least were together even through all this mess we have each other."

"And that's all we need." 

"Do I have to wear a dress to this party?" I whine as we reach the castle doors finally.

"You have to take that up with Evie."

"So then that's a yes." Ben laughs and I roll my eyes. We got to his room and cuddled up in his bed. I laid on Ben and traced his muscles with my fingers, and he played with my hair. We were content with just being with each other, it was silent but it wasn't awkward at all just nice.

Queen of Fire** *UNDER EDITING* UPDATE SOON**Where stories live. Discover now