In a Dream

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I was in a place that I have been in countless times before but, I actually have no idea where it is to be totally honest. The walls were white, there is a grey couch in the middle and a door that's it. I know ita a dream but it's a vision kind of dream so it's real. I always end up on the couch waiting for him to show up, we have been doing this for about a year now. Honestly, it's the only thing that makes me happy anymore. We talk about everything he is the only person I truly open up to. The only problem is he lives in Auradon, actually, he is the King of Auradon, King Ben. He told me who he was about a month ago even though I already knew who he was, he only knows me by Lyza, I talk about my dad to him because he's the only one I can vent to but I have never told him about my mother or Mal even though I know that his twin brother is dating Mal. 

I was sitting on the couch playing with my fingers nervously waiting for him to show up. I have never had a boyfriend or anything romantic with anyone. But mostly because all the boys on the Isle were scared of my brothers and father, but also I had a reputation to keep up and if people knew I had a boyfriend they would think I wasn't this hardened evil person who everyone hates. But when it comes to Ben he doesn't look at me as Lyza Hades daughter of Hades looks at me as just Ly his nickname for me. 

The door finally opens and he appears I sit up and smile at him.

"Took you long enough." I said shyly, I don't know what it was about him but I was a different person with Ben I was never shy at all but with him I was.

"Sorry I just went to bed, I had a lot of paperwork to take care of today." Ben replied as he sat down next to me, and I got butterflies.

"What was the paperwork about?"

"Evie and Mal gave me a list of kids from the Isle that should be given a second chance." When Ben says that my stomach drops, I knew what was coming next.

"Who is on the list?" 

"Mal wants her siblings to come she told me how bad they were treated by their father. Ly please tell you not one of her siblings." I stay silent after he says that. "I know Hades is your father, and I know what you have told me about him and how horrible he is. I'm just hoping they weren't the same person."

"She is my sister, my twin sister." I say with a quiet voice, Ben gets off the couch then kneels in front of me, he grabs my hands in his I flinched a little at his touch, but he rubbed his thumbs over the top of my hands in little circles to calm me down and it actually was working.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ben asked It sounded like his voice was breaking.

"Because I shut out everything. I don't express my emotions in a healthy way hell I don't even know what emotions are other than anger and sadness so how am I expected to express them.  Mal and I were separated when we were 6, my parents got divorced and it started World War III on the Isle. Maleficent taught Mal to hate us saying that we were the enemy, and my father did the  same we became enemies my crew versus hers." I said plainly.

"Will you please come to Auradon?"

"I don't wanna see her." 

"Then come for me, we can finally be together." I laugh at his statement.

"The King of goodness with the daughter of death, we are so different what would people think?"

"Who cares what people think? Let me take you away from the Isle, I'll come there myself if I have to."

"Well, I do have a reputation to uphold. My father picked me to rule after he eventually dies, If we get together then get married then what, are we supposed to unite the Underworld and Auradon together how would that go over?" I say and drop my head.

"Let's not think about that right now, well just take it one step at a time. Ok?" Ben picked up my head to look at him in his eyes, I stared into his eyes and felt all my worry leave me. He looked from my eyes to my lips then he leans in to kiss me, his lips touch mine and I kiss him back. Our lips moved in sync with each other. I never thought I would say this but I felt sparks. We eventually let go of each other lips and just stared into each other's eyes. 

"I'm not saying I'm going for sure but if I do go I need my friends to come with me." After I said that Ben's eyes light up.

"Alright give me their names and I'll see what I can do."

"Harry Hook, Gil son of Gaston, and Uma daughter of Ursula." Ben awkwardly laughed after I said their names.

"I don't know if you know this but, Harry kidnapped, tied me and my brother up, threatened to hook us, and throw us both overboard, along with help from Gil. And Uma tried to steal the wand then spelled Brian to falling love with her in attempt to get the barrier down, and to top it all of turned into an octopus thing and fought Mal."

"Harry must be losing his touch if he didn't actually hook you." Ben looked at me like I had 5 heads and I burst out laughing. "I'm kidding, but they are still my friends and I can't just leave them." I put my hand on Ben's cheek. "So if you want me you have  to take them and my siblings." I kiss his lips quickly this time. 

"I'll see what I can do. But there will be royal guards at your house tomorrow with invitations for you and your siblings, as for your friends I can't necessarily guarantee anything." Ben said as my vision was going blurry.

"I'm waking up." I said to Ben.

"I am too, I'll see you soon hopefully."

"We'll see."

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