Preconceived Notions

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We arrived at the ballroom a few short minutes later. The guards announced us and then opened the door for us leading us down the stairs, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us I felt a little self-conscious people don't usually pay attention to me. That's mostly because I stick to the shadows.

"Mal why are they staring at us?" I ask.

"Because they know you're with the King." She says. We continue walking over to the refreshments table. Carlos and Jay were there with Jane and some other girl who I haven't met yet.

"Hey Jay, Carlos wheres Holden, Harry, and Gil?" I ask.

"They are with Ben and Brian they wanted them to look nice for their first parting in Auradon." Jay answers.

"Please tell me they're not putting Harry in a suit." Hannah facepalms.

"Yeah, why?" Carlos asks.

"It's like putting a cat in water." Hannah answers. After she says that the royal guards announce that Holden, Harry, and Gil are here. I turn around and see three men up on top of the stairs not recognizing them at first, then as they get closer I see it is them. They make it down to us and sarcastically bow to us.

"Wow, you guys clean up nice." Mal says. I walk over to Holden and elbow him and he laughs.

"You had to be different, didn't you?" I say gesturing to his getup.

"Well, who wants to be boring and wear a tux, when you can look as devilishly handsome as this." Holden smirks, everyone else just rolls their eyes at him.

"Where's Ben and Brian?" I ask.

"They're coming, don't worry." Just as Holden said that the guards blew their horns. We all looked up at the top of the stairs.

"Ladies and Gentlemen introducing your Kings, King Benjamin and King Brian." The guard says then the doors open and the boys walk out, they wave to the crowd. Watching Ben be a good King makes me happy, he scans the crowd looking for someone, his eyes finally landing on me his smile growing even bigger. They descend the stairs and Ben wastes no time in coming over to me.

"Now I know the difference between pretty and truly gorgeous." Ben says, he takes my hand in his and kisses it.

"You don't look so bad yourself handsome." I saw wrapping my arms around his neck and he wraps an arm around my waist he leads us away from the group.

"Thank you baby girl." Ben says placing a light kiss on my temple. " Are you enjoying your self?"

"It's nice, I've never been to a party before so I guess I have nothing to compare it too. But it is a little scary, having all these people stare at me is a little daunting if I'm being honest."

"Come here." Ben says pulling me in close to him. "Don't worry about anyone else, this party is for you so enjoy it." I was shocked at what Ben just said why was he throwing me a party?

"Why is it for me?"

"Because tonight you join me as my lady on the court. Mal has already joined as Brian's lady and now it's your turn. I love you Ly and you joining the court is the next step in our relationship, it's like getting engaged to be engaged." Ben explains.

"Oh." I say rather quietly.

"If that's what you want, of course." Ben says, he tries to conceal the nervousness in his voice but I can still hear it.

"A future with you, of course, I want that." I gently grab his face and bring it close to mine brining my lips to his. Ben takes control of the kiss of course, which I, of course, don't mind.

"Come you have to meet my parents." Ben says pulling away from me smiling, I get slightly nervous at the thought of meeting Ben's parents.

"Right now?" I ask suddenly I feel like my feet are glued to the floor. "Ben, do they know who I am? Lik who my parents are? And that I'm supposed to be Queen of the Underworld?" I ask quickly becoming short of breath thinking about all the things that his parents could hate me for.

"Lyza breathe." Ben says holding both of my arms at my sides. I listen to him and take a deep breath and then look into his eys.

"Of course they know who you are, I told them everything."


"Yes, everything. Now come on stop being nervous they are gonna love you." Ben says rubbing circles on my back as we walk. As we start walking through all the people at the party they smile at us and wave. We approach a couple who look like Ben and Brian, the man looks like the statue in front of the school so I think it's safe to assume these are his parents. They see us and smile widely at us. "Mom, Dad this is Lyza." Ben pushes me forward towards his parents.

"It's nice to meet you Lyza, I'm Belle Ben and Mal have told us so much about you." Belle says as she hugs me. It's nice since I haven't had a mother figure in my life since I was six. "I know you haven't had the best life esepecailly without a mother, so I wanted to let you know that if you ever need anything I'm here." She whispers in my ear.

"Thank you I will." I whisper back. We pull away from each other and I go over to Adam.

"My wife is right we have been eager and waiting to meet you dear." Adam says as he hugs me.

"Thank you, your majesty." I say.

"No need to be so formal my dear, you are dating our son and joining the court your practically family." He replies.

"I'm so glad you all finally get to meet." Ben says.

"I guess I should thank Mal and Brian if they hadn't gotten together before us I can't imagine the both of you approving of our relationship." I say.

"Lyza, just because your parents are who they are doesn't make us pre-judge you. I can see the love between you and Ben and I know that you too will have a wonderful future together." Adam says.

"Thanks, dad." Ben says, Adam places a hand on his sons back reassuringly.

"Thank you Adam." I say and he smiles at me.

"Plus I think we get the better end of the bargain, we get two daughters." Adam winks as he says that.

"King Benjamin." An usher says coming up to us.

"Yes?" Ben asks.

"Its time." He says.

"Alright, I'll be right there." He says dismising the usher. "I have to go and speak in front of everyone wish me good luck." Ben says as he kisses my cheek.

"Good luck, even though you don't need it." He smiles as he walks away. I turn back to his parents and they smile at me.

"Go be with your friends, we'll catch up with you later." Belle says.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I say walking back to where my friends are, a hand grabs me and makes me stop in my tracks.

"Hello, Lyza." A girl who looks my age says.

"Hi, I'm sorry you are?"

"The names Audrey." The girl replies.

(The outfits are from left to right Lyza, Mal, Hannah, Evie, Ben, Brian, Holden, Harry, and Gil.)

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