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I wake up the next morning in Ben's arms, he's holding me so tight I think it's so sweet. I didn't dream at all last night it was nice because I feel so relaxed and refreshed. I wish we could just stay like this forever. I close my eyes again and just relax in his arms.

Well isn't this sweet, you and your boyfriend all cuddled up together in bed. But I can imagine it lasting very long once he sees you for who you really are.

"Why are you here?" I say as I open my eyes, usually, I just hear a voice but today there was a hooded figure standing in the corner of the room.  "And since when am I able to see you?"

Well, you didn't listen to me when I was just a voice in your head so I figured I should try a different approach.

"Why are you here?"

You told Ben last night you loved him, that another step towards the light.

"So what? I love him my parents loved each other and they were the evilest and sadistic people ever." I get out of bed and go walk over to where the figure is. as I get close it disappears I look around and find it on the other side of the room. I lean up against the wall put my hands on my head.

Listen to me this is not going to work out how you think. Do you think he really loves you? I mean you are the daughter of the two most evil villains on the Isle. So what do you think that makes you? You are Elizabeth Hades prophesied to be the next ruler of the Underworld. So how could he love someone like you?

"You don't know what you're talking about." I slide down the wall and brought my knees up to my chest.

I'm just saying what you're thinking deep down inside. I am your subconscious any way I know you better than you know yourself.

"No your lying!" I say loudly as I start to cry.

What do you think is gonna happen when this whole bad girl infatuation stage is over and he realizes your a monster? Where do you think your gonna be when that happens? You'll be back in the Underworld with your father where monsters belong!

"Shut up! Get out of my head!" I yell loudly again.

"Lyza!" Ben yells gets out of bed and runs over to me. He starts shaking me trying to get me back to reality. "Lyza it's me Ben!"

You'll be back in the Underworld with your father where monsters belong!

You'll be back in the Underworld with your father where monsters belong!

You'll be back in the Underworld with your father where monsters belong!

You'll be back in the Underworld with your father where monsters belong!

You'll be back in the Underworld with your father where monsters belong!

You'll be back in the Underworld with your father where you belong!  Just keeps ringing in my head drowning out everything else. I get up and just start running, I run out of Ben's room past Mal and Brian who were trying to help Ben help me. I run out of the Castle, past the dorms where I see my friends and siblings outside presumably looking for me. They try to get me to stop too but I keep running faster and faster I end up deep in the woods when I finally slow down.  I look around at my surroundings and realize I'm lost I am too exhausted to use magic to get me back to campus so I sit on the ground by a tree. I try to relax but I can't keep what that shadowy figure said. I started to sing~

Laying in the bed that I made all alone
Guess I'm not surprised honestly
Praying in my head that you stayed and I hope
You'll miss me eventually

Queen of Fire** *UNDER EDITING* UPDATE SOON**Where stories live. Discover now