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I sit on the bench and try to process what just happened.

"Here let me look at you." Holden says, He grabs my hands in his and his eyes go silver as he scans over my body. "You've never had this happen before right?" I shake my head no. "Well it seems like you have always had these powers but you haven't been able to access them until now. Maybe being under the barrier suppressed them. You have the power to control all living things, the weather, water, air, the earth, fire, ice, animals, even people if you so choose." Holden stops scanning me and his eyes go back to normal.

"When dad said you were the most powerful he wasn't kidding." Hannah comments.

"You get all that and I can only turn into a dragon." Mal chimes in, we all laugh.

"Well, I'll figure this out later let's start with your lessons." I say getting up from the bench taking off my jacket.

"I brought Mom's spellbook." Mal says taking the book out of her bag and hands it to me. I walk to the middle of the field and flip through the pages of the book.

"Wow so this is moms spellbook," I comment looking at the spells. "And this is how you have been using your magic?" I ask looking back at Mal she shakes her head yes. "Cute. But we're moving to the big leagues' ladies," I say throwing the book over my shoulder. Mal looks confused at my actions.

"Hayden is not gonna give you the chance to looks up a spell in a book before he attacks." Holden says.

"He's right we have all been trained by our father. However, Hayden has given up on magic so we do have the upper hand in that department. But he will try and get as many people from the Isle who can use magic as possible to help him. Plus he had his powers, like the rest of us." I continue.

"Whats Hayden's power?" Mal asks.

"He has super inhuman strength." Hannah answers.

"Well, that doesn't help our case." Evie says.

"Don't worry about that. Focus on you and your powers daughter of Maleficent, daughter of The Evil Queen you both are so much more than you think." I say. "Now we're gonna learn our first lesson traveling by magic. The key to this is imagining it with your mind. Everyone close your eyes and go deep down into your soul and think about what or who you love the most. Everyone got someone or something?"

"Yes." they answer.

"Your love is our power, your energy source. Father used to say that hate was a powerful energy source for your power but love, love is so much stronger than hate. That's why we're gonna win against Hayden his power is from hate ours is from love. So now that we have our energy we are gonna use it. Let's go to the King's office, everyone picture it in your mind and then snap your fingers." I instruct. everyone follows my directions and we all appear in Ben and Brians office with multiple colors of smoke around us. Ben, Harry, Gil, Brian, Jay, and Carlos were gathered around a table looking at a map. Once they saw us they looked pleased.

"I thought you were having a magic lesson." Jay comments.

"First lesson, traveling by magic. And since we're all here in one piece I think we can call it a sucess." I say proud of my sister and Evie learning so quickly.

"What's the next lesson?" Brian asks.

"Fireballs." I say igniting one in my hand, with a wink.

"Can I ask that you not do it in here." Ben says in an authoritative voice. I extinguish it in my hand.

"Yes, sir." I say with a salute, Ben rolls his eyes at me. "Alright, trainees back to the field." I say snapping my fingers to go back. I arrive first then Holden and Hannah, and finally Evie and Mal. "Holden wanna take it away?" He nods and steps forward.

"So fireballs. You can either summon them in your hand like this." Holden says and a black fireball appears in his hand, he then extinguishes it and keeps talking. "Or you can light your self on fire." Holden crosses his arms over his chest and then throws them down to his sides engulfed in flames. "You can also throw it once you have it." Holden turns around and Hannah and I move out of his way. He lifts his arms up in the air rolls them around his head and throws a ring of fire into the air. I throw my hands up into the air and water comes out of my palms to extinguish the fire.

"How did you do that?" Hannah asks.

"I'm a quick learner." I say. We stayed out there for hours practicing fireballs, traveling by magic, and making force fields. It had gotten dark out side Ben, Brian, and Harry show up and sit on the benches watching us. We moved onto combat fighting me and Mal were fighting each other. I had the upper hand because I had training in fighting, our father had us fight each other all of the time no rules no mercy, boy versus girls too. She eventually got on top of me pinning me down, she smirked thinking she won, but I blinked my eyes and poofed out of her grasp and over sitting next to Ben. She looked around for me and finally found me and was super pissed.

"That's not fair and you know it." She yells running towards me.

"All's fair in love and war sis!" I yell back.

"Your supposed to be teaching us."

"I am teaching you. I'm teaching you to expect the unexpected. You think Hayden and his goons are gonna play fair, you're surely mistaken." I yell back

"I thought you could only snap my fingers to travel by magic." Mal says crossing her arms.

"You can only travel by magic by snapping your fingers. Because of father, I don't have to." I poof next to her and she jumps. "I don't have to do anything to poof where ever I want." I. Can. Be. Everywhere." I say poofing and reappearing all around her. 'Even in your mind' I say but obviously, she was the only one who could hear me.

"Stop." Mal says as she slaps me across the face, exactly like how father did. I stumble back in shock. She looks at me shocked at what she did. I can feel my eyes do the same thing as they did earlier, glowing a brilliant blue. The sky becomes dark and lightning cracks in the sky followed by thunder. White electricity starts to circle me, I feel it coursing through my veins, I start floating in the hair my hair standing up on end. I look down at Mal and everyone just were scared and confused. And with a flash of white light I was gone.

Queen of Fire** *UNDER EDITING* UPDATE SOON**Where stories live. Discover now