Moment for Life

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"Alright, I'll see you later." I say walking back to where my friends are but, a hand grabs me and makes me stop in my tracks.

"Hello, Lyza." A girl who looks my age says.

"Hi, I'm sorry you are?"

"The names Audrey."

"Oh." I feel my hand getting hot and ready to attack but I keep myself calm not wanting to cause a scene in front of the entire kingdom before they had even met me.

"Guessing by the way you said that you know of me."

"I know that your that girl who treated my Ben awful."

"Your Ben?"

"Yes my Ben, now if you'll excuse me I have to get to my friends."

"Listen to me you better back off freak before I do something we both regret." Her nails dig into my arm this only agitates me more. I feel my eyes go dark and hers go pitch black as well, I look at all her fears their mostly just superficial popular girl things. But one stood out to me, she fears that I will become Queen and kill everyone bringing them down to the Underworld with me.

"Wow is that really what you think of me? That I would just kill everyone, believe I don't want anyone near the Underworld." Both of our eyes go back to normal and I put on a fake smile. "It was so nice to finally meet you." I say getting out of her grip but bringing her in for a hug I whisper in her ear. "And next time you try to intimidate someone, maybe try someone who isn't the Queen of death." I let her go walk over to my friends, they were all watching what just went down of course.

"What did that want?" Mal asked teeth gritted.

"She tried to intimidate me." I say, "Imagine that someone Trying to intimidate me Queen of death and leader of the Curse, the most feared group of people on the Isle." I wink at Mal and she rolls her eye.

"Only because we weren't there to cause mayhem anymore." She winks back. "But look at us now dating King goody two shoes in Auradon." We both laugh at that.

"If she ever tries anything again she will spend eternity in the river of souls." I say looking at Holden and Hannah they nod in agreement.

"If she does I will personally help you put her there." Mal says and I smirk, as much as Mal tries to hide it she still likes Evil to a certain degree.

"I need a drink after dealing with that." Holden gives me his cup of punch and I take a sip of it, not tasting punch. I should have known better considering its, my brother. "Really Holden?"

"What I thought you might need some especially today." Holden smirks taking his cup back.

"Please tell me you didn't spike the punch bowl." I ask, Mal, Evie, and Hannah glare at the both of us.

"What is she talking about?" Mal asks.

"Baby's breath mixed with sugar makes a potion to help with relaxation, drinking too much has the same effect as drinking alcohol. So again tell me you didn't spike the punch bowl."

"No, I didn't just the boys' cups. I'm not that stupid." Holden admits. I turn and look at Harry, Gil, Jay, and Carlos who drink their drinks avoideing eye contact with me.

"You didn't have any did you?" Mal turns to Brian who starts stammering.

"No pretty boy wouldn't have been able to handle it." Holden says before Brian could even answer everyone but Mal laughs.

"Ahem, excuse me can I have everyone's attention up here please." Ben says up on stage. The room falls silent and we all turn and face him, he scans the crowd looking for me when his eyes land on me he smiles. "Thank you. We are gathered here today to welcome a very special person to the court. This girl hasn't exactly had the best life, but she has always made do with what life has thrown her way. She loves her family and friends more than anything in the world, she left the Isle the only place she called home to save her siblings and her friends. She has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met. And I am very thankful that I can have a small part of that heart. Lyza you are the love of my life without you I would be nothing you keep me going. Please, everyone, join me in welcoming Lyza Hades to the stage." The room erupted with clapping and cheers, I smiled at everyone who was around me then proceeded to make my way up to the stage. People stepped out of the way and bowed to me I was totally in shock for this no one as ever bowed to me before. Well, at least not willingly, so this is a whole new experience. I reach the stairs and a royal guard helps me up the steps Ben meets me at the top and takes my hand in his. He walks us back to the middle to the stage, and Fairy Godmother joins us to wand in hand. I kneel with my head bowed.

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