Family History

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When I saw Hayden I felt my heartbreak in two. His skin was burned beyond recognition, but yet he was there walking towards us. Mal was in no better shape she was battered and bruised, whoever hurt her was gonna pay dearly.

"What did you do to them?" I yell I step forward towards Mal, but Ben pulls me close to him, and Cerberus growls.

"Don't." Ben warns.

"I didn't do anything, Hayden has finally become useful to me. He reached his final form, his body has become one with ash, fire, and lava however the cost of that was his magic. He is more powerful now then he would have been if he had kept your mother's gifts to you children." My father answers.

"So that's what all this is about you still being angry about mother leaving." Hannah asks. "That's why you kidnapped Mal and torchered her."

" She had to atone for her mother's sins. I have always been more powerful then your mother, magic can only get you so far however power and special abilities can make you so much more. You all will learn that soon."

"What do you mean special abilities?" Holden asks.

"My mother Hela is the daughter of Oden sister of Thor and Loki. When she was banished to what is now called hell, she conceived a child that was me, to protect this child she collected all six infinity stones. So that once he was old enough he could weld them to take revenge on Oden of Asgard." My father reveals.

"Wait Asgard? That place was to only be thought of as an old Greek legend." Ben spoke up.

"And you are?" My father asks, although he probably knows the answer already.

"I am King Benjamin of Auradon and you have committed serious crimes against the crown. You are being ordered to Auaradon to be tried."

My father gets up from his throne and starts walking towards us.

"King Benjamin, of Auradon was it? You think you have authority over me, I have been alive longer than you have seen more things than you. And you dare say I am guilty, I am the true heir to the throne of Asgard and as such am above such rules as you and your beast of a father have conjured. Unfortunately, I am getting older in years and I feel that my time will be up shortly."

"I thought that being the ruler of the underworld gave you immortality?" I asked, stepping forward in front of everyone. "And what of these infinity stones?"

"Elizabeth my dear you have so much to learn, as you will see when you become ruler there are hard sacrifices you will have to make. As for the infinity stones, I no longer have them. You see each time when two you were born I broke a piece of two infinity stones and fused them in with your soul." My father said simply. "But Elizabeth, ah my dearest one she was to have two infinity stones. She is as I have said before more powerful than every one of you."

"So what do the stones do then?" I ask.

"The six infinity stones are linked to your powers. Holden has the time stone, hence why he can see past present and future. Holden has the power stone which is why he can be melded together with the fire. Hannah has the reality stone therefore she can alter people's reality. Mal has the space stone she can go anywhere she pleases. But all those things are just really scratching the surface of what you all can do." Father walks down to the middle of the throne room and for some reason I walk up to him, I was drawn to him for some reason.

"And as for me father?"I ask.

"All will be revealed in due time. Now take your sister home she requires medical attention." He says as he turns away.

"What your just letting us go?" Holden shouts walking towards me.

" Yes so go now before I change my mind." My father says as he sits back in his throne.

"You are not going to keep us here?" Hannah asked.

"I have no need for you right now. But when I do you'll all be begging to come back to the underworld. Hayden gives them Mal." My father motions to Hayden, Hayden walks up to us with Mal in his arms and Holden takes her from him.

"Come on Lyza lets go now." Ben says pulling me out of the room.

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