Burnt Diamonds

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I woke up in my bed alone and cold which is weird considering I live in the Underworld where its always warm. I guess I'm cold because I have no one next to me, I been secluding my self from my siblings more so than usual. I'm scared that I might accidentally tell them about my late night rendezvous with Ben. I am the next ruler of the Underworld I am supposed to be the meanest and ruthless person in the universe and as such, I can't be involved with someone who is the poster child for goodness. We have been having these visions for a year now and if you would have told me that I might be developing feelings for someone in Auradon let alone the King of Auradon I probably would have burned you alive. In fact, had you told me I would have feelings at all other than hatred, I probably still would have burned you alive. 

 I finally get myself out of bed after wallowing in my self-pity and go shower. After I go to my closet and pick out my outfit for the day. I pick a cute outfit that was all white leather and a lace top. I also put all my white braids up in a bun. If you haven't guessed already my favorite color is white. 

We all have colors that coincide with our magic mine is white, Hannah's is blue, Holden's is black and Hayden's is green

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We all have colors that coincide with our magic mine is white, Hannah's is blue, Holden's is black and Hayden's is green. 

I finish dressing and walk out back to the throne room and saw my father, great the last person I wanted to see, especially after last night.

"Elizabeth." My father says, I wince as he calls me Elizabeth, because he is the only one who calls me that. Mostly because I'm usually in trouble with him.

"Yes, father?" I ask meekly.

"I have received word that there is a limo coming over to the Isle. I imagine that it will be from your sister inviting you to go to Auradon."

"Most likely." I reply

"I want you to go and retrieve your sister."

"Why?" I ask, then I feel a scorching hot hand hit me across the face. My father hit me, it wasn't the first time, I think he hit me the most out of everyone.  I feel the familiar burn and smell the awful odor of burning flesh, whenever Hades hit you I would most likely burn whatever skin his hand came into contact with. I put my hand over my face trying to stop the pain at least until he was done talking to so I could fix myself up. 

"I don't understand why you insist on questioning me all the time daughter." I drop to my knees with my head down, he walks over to me and lifts my head up to look in my eyes. "You have a lot to learn before you become Queen. Like knowing your place, I am the alpha and the omega. You are my legacy. Even I am gone everyone will remember me." He lets go of my head and walks back to his throne. "Pain! Panic! Get in here now!" He yelled for his idiotic minions, they, of course, ran in bumbling as usual.

"Yes, my liege."  Panic says.

"Get my other children here now. And bring in our special guests" Hades says. They run to go get my siblings and whoever the special guest is. I hope that Ben didn't decide to actually come and deliver the invitation himself.

 I go and take my place standing next to my fathers' side, I am the future leader so I would have to make it look like to out guest we were a united front even if that was a total and utter lie. I snap my fingers and a beautiful face mask appears on my face to cover the burns on my face. My father gave it to me the first time he ever hit me, that was also the only time he ever said sorry. I have a love-hate relationship with it because it is beautiful with all the diamonds on it but the meaning behind it sucks. I know when my siblings walk in and see it, they will understand, and be upset of course because they know the reason I am wearing it.  My father looks over in my direction and nods seeing that my mask has been put on covering his handy work. 

The doors finally open to reveal Hayden, Holden, Hannah, Gil, Harry, and Uma along with Captian Hook, Ursula, and Gaston

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The doors finally open to reveal Hayden, Holden, Hannah, Gil, Harry, and Uma along with Captian Hook, Ursula, and Gaston. Holden, Hayden, and Hannah stare at me with sadness in their eyes because they know what happened before they came in the room. Behind them comes two men dressed in what I assume to be royal gaurs outfits from Auradon, well at least Ben isn't with them. 

"My children, friends, we have a special surprise for today guests from Auradon. Speak." My father commanded the guards.

"By royal decree from King Benjamin, King Brian, Lady Mal and Ms. Evie of the Isle would like to invite Holden Son of Hades, Hayden son of Hades, Elizabeth daughter of Hades, Hannah daughter of Hades, Harry son of Hook, Uma daughter of Ursala, and Gil son of Gaston to attend Auradon Prep." The guard says with fear in his voice, which isn't surprising considering he is talking to Hades. 

"Alright, your done, Pain and Panic take them out." My father's voice booms. Pain and Panic go and escort them back out the door from which they came. 

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