Hell Fire

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Hayden's P.O.V.

We poofed to the girl's room after we left everyone in the forest, I have a plan to get what belongs to me.

"Alright, so what's the plan, Hayden?" Uma askes.

"We search the room for the box with Mal's necklace in it."

"And after that?"

"After we put it on Mal we deliver her to my father and show him that he picked the wrong person to be the ruler of the Isle."

We turned the room upside down looking for the stupid box. I know she wouldn't have time to hide it before we got here.

"I found it!" Uma shouts, she goes to open it before I can tell her not to.

"Wait don't open it!" I say rushing over to her, but I was too late. She attempted to open it but the protection spell Lyza put on it sent her flying back into the wall. I go over to where she got blown back to and check on her to see if she is all right. "Uma are you ok?"

"I'm fine. You didn't think to tell me there was a protection spell on it?"

"I didn't think it would have hurt you or anything."

"Yeah well, how are we supposed to open it then?"

"Just cause you couldn't open it doesn't mean I can't." I go over to where the box is and I open it to reveal the beautiful purple diamond necklace.

"How can you open it?"

"She idiotically sealed it with blood magic, so only people related to her could open it."

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she never thought that her family would turn on her. Now go and get this on Mal anyway you can." I say handing her the necklace.

"What will you do?"

"Go see my father and tell him what has happened." I place my hand on her face. "Soon Uma you will be my Queen and we will rule the Isle, the Underworld, and Auradon. We will show my father, my siblings that they were wrong about me wrong about us."I lean in and kiss her lips, even though my heart is cold, dark and full of hatred I still have feelings for her. "Meet be back on the Isle once the job is done."

"Yes, my King." She says as we part our lips. Uma bows to me and leaves the room. As soon as she is gone I feel a horrendous burning sensation in my chest and it felt like someone was squeezing my brain.

'Is that really all you think of me, boy? You think I will just give up on Elizabeth because you think you're better suited.' I hear my father's voice in my head.

"I will prove that I am worthy." I say in agony.

'Alright then.' A swirling green portal opens up and I see my father sitting in his usual place, his throne. 'Come prove to me why I made a mistake for not choosing you.'

I step through the portal back into the Underworld, once I am through it closes behind me.

"So you had enough magic for you and Lyza?"I question, my father groans when I mention Lyza.

"I will never understand why she insists on being called Lyza. I named her Elizabeth for a reason. But to answer your question no I only had enough for magic for Elizabeth the train her. But now since you have come in and ripped a huge hole in the barrier I have enough magic for myself and then some."

"So why not just bring down the barrier yourself?"

"That's not part of the plan. Plus I would then have to go outside."

"So how am I supposed to show you that I'm worthy?"

"Come with me." My father stands up and walks over to the door near his throne. I follow him out the door into a room that I had never been in before. The room was so vast you really didn't know where it ended. It was pitch black the only light was an orange glow coming from the floor on the other side. I walked closer and saw what gave the room its glow.

"Just because you're not destined to be King of the Underworld doesn't mean you weren't destined for something

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"Just because you're not destined to be King of the Underworld doesn't mean you weren't destined for something. When you gave up on magic, part of me was happy because you all get your magical abilities from your mother. But your powers well, that's all me." My father says circling me. "Your fire me. Your unmatched strength me. Your strong manipulations skills me. But I never taught you how to love that's why you're so bad at it." He stops in front of me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say keeping a straight face and keep my gaze looking straight ahead not looking at him.

"You really think Uma loves you?"

"I guess."

"No son she loves what you have promised her. You promised her she would be your Queen and she could rule the Isle and Auradon."

"How could you possibly know that? I told her when we were far from you."

"You don't think I'm that stupid, do you? That I would send you to Auradon without total and complete insurance that you would come back. This necklace," He says as he grabs the necklace in his hand. "I can control you, make you do anything I wish. Why do you think you felt the burning in your chest and like someone was squeezing your brain? That was me. Once Mal has the necklace on I will call all of my children back here."

"Then what?"

"Then we start phase two of my plan."

"So why am I here?" I ask annoyed now, he lets go of me and then walks back behind me.

"Well, this is your destiny. If you really wanna be King, and prove to me you are my son jump."

"You want me to jump into the fire?"

"Duh, you are the son of Hades, the god of the Underworld and god of fire. So it shouldn't hurt you. Unless of course, you are your mothers' child."

"I am your son. I will make you proud father." I say walking up to the ledge, I could feel the heat radiating of the fire down below on my face. "I will be the true ruler of the Underworld."

"Yes now go." My father said as he pushes me off the ledge. I was free falling, everything was in slow motion. I kept my eyes fixed on my father the whole time I was falling. The closer I got to the fire the hotter my skin got, it burned I even caught on fire. Once my body hits the fire I am burned alive, I scream in agony. The pain of the intense heat, the smell of burning flesh it was awful. The fire started engulfing me but instead of it killing me I absorbed it all of it. The lava, the fire the ashes all of it, it hurt like hell but I could feel myself getting more and more powerful. Once I have absorbed all of it I stand up slowly, and I look at my self all my extremities they were all burned and charred, but still intact. I walk over to a lower ledge where my father and his two idiotic sidekick stood.

"You may now actually have a fighting chance against Elizabeth. Now go find a team because you need to beat the rest of your siblings and undoubtedly others that have joined her cause."

"Yes father." I say bowing to him. I walk past them to the outside. Lyza you have no idea what you have started. It's time we end this.

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