Beginning to an End

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Father gets up from his throne and walks down towards the villians. "Alright you heard the man, children get ready."

"Uma can't go who will wait tables at the Chip Shop." Ursala says Uma sighs at her mother's reasons.

"Harry can't go either, who will swab the deck of my ship." Hook says, Harry rolls his eyes and looks at Hannah who just shrugs in his direction.

"Gil is more than welcome to go." Gaston says.

"Really dad?" Gil asks.

"Of course, if you go it means more eggs for me." Gaston laughs, Gil just nods his head.

"Everyone shut up!" My father yells and his hair turns to flames. Everyone goes silent and pays attention to him. He continues walking down the steps in front of his throne, with his hair still flaming. "People used to cower at or names, now look at us, stuck on an island. Or so everyone thought."

"What do you mean or so everyone thought." Ursala asks.

"Elizabeth have a seat," My father says, I sit on his throne and he smirks at me. "I have five children, and since birth, I have been watching them very closely. Especially when it comes to their powers. Elizabeth has excelled over all of them and because of that, she will be my successor. " He says as he looks at his other children disappointedly.

"I thought the oldest was supposed to inherit the throne." Hayden says with a sight bit of attitude in his voice.

"It was until I changed my mind. She is the most powerful after all." Father said.

"But we are all powerful when we come together." Hannah interrupts.

"Yes but you have not reached your full power. If your other sister was here you would be, but if you all were to go up against each other Elizabeth would win. She has been training using her magic for quite some time now using her mothers and my own, plus she has a few of her own powers." Hades said a matter a factly.

"How can she use magic if we're on the Isle, there is no magic here after all." Hook said.

"There is no magic on the Isle but in the Underworld, there is a crack in the barrier." Everyone was shocked at what my father just admitted, even my siblings.

"And you never thought to tell us about that?" Ursala said very angrily.

"It wasn't anyone's concern before. I needed it to teach Elizabeth."

"I guess I shouldn't be that surprised you never liked to share nothing but the best for your family." Usala said.

"She needs it so she can be the best she can be. But until she is queen and I am dead you will all serve her, for it has been shown to me her future. you will work together to get your sister back here so we can take over Auradon together. Children of Hades, Hook, Ursala, and Gaston will rule. Now go and pack." Hades says as he walks back up to me on the throne. Harry Hook, his father, Uma, her mother, Gil, and his father all leave so it was only my father and my siblings. "Now before you all go and pack I have something for you all." Hades says, he lifts his hand in the air and waves it around. Five necklaces appear in his hand. "These will help with your powers when you go to Auradon." he starts with Holden and puts a green necklace on him.

"Why are there five?" Holden asks.

"Your task is to get this to Mal, and once she is wearing it you all will have unlimited power. She is the missing key to your success." Hades says as he puts a blue necklace on Hannah

"How so you expect us to get her to join us?" Hannah asks.

"Make nice with her, I don't care how you do it just will figure it out." Hades continues and puts a black necklace on Hayden. He then comes back up to me and puts the necklace on me. "There's one more thing, you can't take these off ever, they are now bonded with your flesh. Only I can take them off." He says as he finishes fasting the clasp on my neck I feel it attaching to my neck.

"What happens if we were to try and take it off?" I asked afraid of the answer. 

"You die, now go and pack your things children the guards will be waiting for you outside. Oh, and children don't fail me, because if you do It will be far worse for you in the end." He replies. I walk down the stairs and out the door with my siblings. We all are silently walking to our rooms until I am grabbed and pushed up against the wall by my brother.

"Hayden, what's your problem?" I say. 

"Did you know that you were gonna become queen, and about the crack in the barrier." Hayden asks as his grip on me tightens.

"I knew about the crack in the barrier but nothing about him choosing me Hayden, you know I don't lie." I choke out.

"Hayden let her go, your hurting her. She has already been hurt enough from Dad." Holden says trying to pull him off me. 

"Fine." Hayden says as he lets me go. I get up and walk to my room and slam my door closed.

 I didn't think I would ever say this but I will be so glad to be away from here, I just wanna be with Ben. Which again I never thought I would say considering as you can see I'm not the best at showing someone at I love them or receiving love because I have never been taught. Ben has been the first one to ever show me, love. I just need to be with him, more than just in our dreams I need to be with him in real life. I pull out a suitcase from my closet and start packing up my stuff while I contemplate my life. Everything was so much easier when we were kids before my mother took Mal away none of us have been the same. I through my last few outfits in my suitcase and then flopped on the bed, all the emotions from today finally taking their toll on me. I took the face mask off and throws it across the room. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, I was almost at peace with myself I heard someone banging on my door. I get out of my bed begrudgingly and walked over to my door then opened it to reveal my sister.

"You ready for this?" Hannah asks.

"Of course I can't wait to see my twin." I say, I raise my hand and bring my bag to me. I wink at Hannah and we were off we walked up the stairs that lead to the surface. Once we opened up the door the bright light of the surface hurt my eyes, I shielded my eyes and saw a black limo with Auradon guards in next to it, alongside them were my brothers and friends. "Everyone ready?" I ask, they all nod. "This will be fun." The guards open the door for me and I get in, this is the beginning of the end.

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