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I think I was almost there when a hand was put over my mouth and I was dragged to some ally. I wasn't shocked at all to see the person it was who abducted me.

"You have developed this awful habit of touching me Mal." I said to my twin. She was there along with her whole little crew.

"Alright, Lyza what's your plan here?" Evie asks.

"I mean right now the plan is to go unpack my things and go to sleep." I say with a sickly sweet smile.

"Stop with the games Lyza I know you're here for the wand so you can take care of the barrier. Uma's plan of kidnapping the Kong's failed so now you're here for revenge." Mal states.

"Wow, Mal you couldn't be any more wrong." I say as Mal's face drops. "I've never needed the wand. Look over there at the Isle," I say as I and everyone else turns and faces the Isle. "Now watch," I snap my fingers and the once glowing magical barrier is gone I snap my fingers and it goes back.

"How?" Was the only word Mal could get out.

"Well, you see the original plan was to get the wand and pretend to take down the barrier with it to mask the true power I have. That way no one would know how powerful I actually am but you all messed that up."

"But there's no magic on the Isle." Carlos says.

"Exactly but there is in the Underworld." I say rather excitedly.

"How is that possible?" Jay asks.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"So how did you get to be so powerful? We're twins we should have to the same amount of magic." Mal says confused.

"Well under normal circumstances that would be true but ever since you and mom abandoned us, Dad has been pumping me full of dead people magic. Once someone dies they can't take their magic with them whether they have light magic or dark, and it all comes down to the underworld."

"Why does it come down there?"

"You should ask your precious Head Mistress it was her decision after all. Originally when people who used magic light or dark it would just out of the person after they died and found a new home in someone else. Or they could pass it down to someone whether that be a child or an apprentice. But Fairy Godmother decided that it would all just go down to the Underworld and it would die with the person she had tasked Father with disposing of it. Father, being Father, had different plans he had been storing it up for years for his successor to use, then when he chose who it was going to be he injected it into them. Lucky me, and ever since he chose me when a dead magical person dies I get another injection."

"Isn't the oldest the one who is supposed to get the throne. Why are you getting it instead of Hayden?" Mal asks.

"Because it was prophesied that I would rule after father." I said in a duh tone.

"Who prophesied it?"

"The Chernabog."

"He's on the Isle?" Carlos asked.


"Then he's dead." Jay says.

"Wrong again."

"Then where is he and how did he talk to dad?"

"You know your the only one who calls him Dad right. Why is that?" I say trying to rile Mal up.

"Stop changing the subject. Where is the Chernabog? And how did Dad talk to the Chernabog?"

"The where is a question for your boyfriend. The how is easy he paid him a visit."

"So then you know where he is then."

"Yeah but I'm not gonna tell you."

"So then tell us, future queen of the Underworld, what is your plan here in Auradon?" Mal basically yells at this point.

"Don't worry it'll be over before you know it. Now as much as I have enjoyed our sister bonding time I have had an extremely eventful day and I am so tired so goodnight sis." I say sickly sweet again.

"This isn't over Elizabeth." Mal says fists clenched.

"No Mallory Jane it isn't, this is only the beginning." I say and snap my fingers again this time disappearing in a cloud of white smoke.

Mal's P.O.V.

"So what now?" Evie asks.

"Now we have to talk to Brian and Ben see what they know about the Chernabog." I say and stomp away. I reach Brian's office rather quickly and whip open the door.

"Mal what's wrong?" Brian asks concerned.

"The Chernabog, where is he?" 

"Mal you can't just go around saying his name like that." Brian says horrified.

"Where is he?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"My sister has the power to bring down the barrier with one snap of his fingers all thanks to him. So I wanna know how to stop her."

"She can what?" 

"She has all the magic of the dead people who have died for the past 100 years, she had both light and dark magic. She was prophesied to rule the Underworld by the Chernabog, I need to know what the whole prophecy is." 

"The Chernabog is the most Satanic, demonic, malevolent, cruel, sadistic, powerful, ruthless, menacing, evil, mysterious, ritualistic, nightmarish, enigmatic, dangerous, and scary being in the universe. He is gigantic, slender, muscular, scary-looking face, black skin with horns, yellow glowing eyes that burn into your soul, jagged fangs, giant black wings with purple undersides. His powers include the use of dark magic, fire that burns everything it touches, superhuman strength, superhuman endurance, superhuman stamina, immortality. He loves evil, darkness, war, chaos, night, fire, shadows, sin, hatred, fear, despair, death. And hates all that is good, light magic and especially sunlight."

"Where is he?"

"He and a few other villans are on another Island called Alcatraz it has even more security than the Isle."

"So how did my Dad get to him?"

"I have no idea but I'm going to find out. What are you going to do in the meantime?" Brian says as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. 

"Have quality time with my sister."

"How are you going to do that? I don't think she likes you very much."

"She doesn't like me because I chose Good over Evil. But if I tell her I was only faking it and I wanna join her and her crew she will have to accept me." I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head against his chest.

"You think she is just gonna welcome you in with open arms? If she is as powerful as you say is she really one we should cross?" 

"She is my sister I have to try and save her."

"Just be careful."

"I'm always careful."

"I love you Mal."

"I love you too Brian." We both lean in close and kiss each other's lips. I know he is scared but I can save my sister from her darkness. I have to because I can't fail, I'll do whatever it takes. 

Queen of Fire** *UNDER EDITING* UPDATE SOON**Where stories live. Discover now