Error, The Dragon's Prince(ss)

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Summary: Error is not immune to kidnappings.

The Multiverse continued as usual: New AUs popping up here and there, Sanses breaking universal laws to visit their alternate selves, and the general clash between the infinite space's two main factions was in progress

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The Multiverse continued as usual: New AUs popping up here and there, Sanses breaking universal laws to visit their alternate selves, and the general clash between the infinite space's two main factions was in progress.

This fine day brought them to a medieval universe complete with castles, knights, dragons, and clear blue skies overhead. Lush, wide-open fields surrounded both forces from each side, providing no cover to avoid long-range attacks; Fighting alongside the typical good-doing menagerie was an armor-clad Sans brandishing a long sword.

Regardless, Nightmare and his gang - including Error, who just so happened to be there - dared not retreat in fear of looking weak. They exchanged attack after attack with their bright-clothed foes. Neither truly winning or losing due to their evenly matched forces.

The tides only shifted when an earth-shaking roar resounded above.

"Dragon! Take cover in the tall grass." The knightly skeleton native to the AU shouted, making a dive for a nearby green patch.

Before anyone had a chance to heed the advice, a red-scaled beast swooped down while holding its claws open wide and snatched a dark-colored figure. Dial-up computer screeches assaulted everyone's ears as Error got lifted into the sky.

"Why did it take him?!" Cross cried, throwing pointed bone attacks toward the lizard creature. Each projectile meant to free his chocolate buddy fell short, thus leaving Error in the clutches of the dragon.

Knight Sans, or whatever his name was, answered from his hiding spot, "Dragons care about three things: shiny/unique objects, valuable minerals, and virgins."

Ink snickered. "Th- Heh-he... Th-that means Error is a virgin!"

"Ink, this is no laughing matter! We have to save him."

The Guardian of AUs ignored him, cupping his hand in front of his mouth and screaming into the sky, "Have fun with your new hubby, Error! I'm glad you found someone that loves you more than your own reflection."

If one listened closely enough, they might have heard angry glitching noises in response.

Meanwhile, Killer cheered, "Ha! I knew it." An action that more than earned Nightmare's disapproving glare and an added lecture when he proceeded to jab a phalange in his hole-headed comrade's direction with a smug grin. "Horror, you owe me a hundred G."

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