NN 17

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As I pulled into our driveway, I parked my car and stepped out, my eyes and cheeks swollen from tears. The door creaked open as I entered. Hoseok-hyung, stationed in the living room, eyed me with a palpable concern.

“Tae, what happened?” he asked, settling into a seat. I managed a smile, making my way towards him, and took a seat next to him.

“I'm fine, hyung,” I reassured him, but my feeble smile failed to convince. So, I summoned another smile. “I'm just happy. Sold out again,” I added.

His wide smile mirrored mine, and he exclaimed, “Congrats, Taehyungiee!”

“Congrats, Tae,” Namjoon interjected, appearing seemingly from nowhere. I looked at him and managed a smile. However, as he observed my face, his expression shifted swiftly to worry.

“What happened?” he asked anxiously. I just smiled and leaned against the couch, shutting my eyes. How could I tell them I witnessed Jungkook with Jessie? How could I convey that I cried because the sight of them together was tearing me apart?

A profound sigh escaped me as I wearily opened my eyes. Namjoon-hyung's concerned gaze met mine. I mustered a smile and raised a thumbs up, opting to avoid delving deeper into conversation. An exchange of puzzled glances between Namjoon and Hoseok-hyung went unnoticed as I remained silent.

“Hoseok-hyung, I'm heading to Jeju tomorrow to capture some masterpieces. Care to join?” I inquired, still with my eyes shut.

“Really?! You'll bring me with you?!” he exclaimed with palpable excitement. I chuckled and nodded.

“No, you can't come. My cousin mentioned you have a date with her tomorrow,” Jin-hyung's voice cut through the room. My eyes fluttered open to witness him placing a tray of orange juice on the table. “Have a drink, everyone,” he added. Hoseok pouted and snagged a cupcake from the spread Jin-hyung had thoughtfully prepared.

Jin-hyung settled onto the single couch, his eyes fixated on me. “Care to enlighten us about where you were last night?” he inquired straightforwardly.

I gulped, my fingers fidgeting nervously. How could I explain this? What words would convey the tumult of emotions within me? Frustration enveloped me as I grappled with the task of articulating my thoughts.

“Yesterday, Jungkook and I attended my meeting with Architect Choi, then we both went for lunch... then...” My words hung in the air, caught in the tendrils of yesterday's memories. A gulp traveled down my throat. “Then, I got bored and... and I called Yoongi-hyung, then–”

“Hold up!” Hyung's palm interrupted me mid-sentence. “You got bored? Tae, you don't get bored, especially when you're with Jungkook,” Jin interjected with a tone as definitive as his statement.

Another gulp, my trembling hands clutching at my pants. “I... I... I really got bored, hyung,” I stuttered. Jin's raised brow and penetrating stare intensified the weight of my admission.

“Love, let him explain,” Namjoon-hyung intervened, and gratitude swelled within me for his support.

Jin-hyung nodded, a silent cue to continue. “I... I called Yoongi-hyung, and he invited me to come over to their house... then I told them that I wanted to go home, but I lied. I went to a nearby park and stayed there for a while,” I added, the confession lingering in the charged atmosphere.

I met his intense gaze, sensing his eyes dissecting my every move and reaction. “I'm sorry, hyung, for making you worry,” I apologized with sincerity.

Jin nodded, releasing a sigh before offering a gentle smile. “Taehyung, I might not understand what you're going through, but I need you to know that I'm here. You can talk to me, cry on my shoulder, unleash all your frustrations. I won't mind, as long as it eases your pain,” he expressed with a depth of compassion. I nodded, my eyes lowering to my fingers. “But, Tae, don't lie to us. Don't hesitate. You're not alone; we're all here for you. Since the day Jungkook introduced you as his friend, you've become a part of my family. I don't care if you think I'm too stern. Just don't be afraid to open up to us,” he added.

Meeting his gaze again, I genuinely smiled. My eyes betrayed me as tears welled up and cascaded down my cheeks. Standing up, I moved to hug him. His embrace was comforting, and there, I allowed silent sobs to escape.

Jin-hyung was unlike any friend I had before. Jimin was my only companion prior to Yoongi and the others. Gratitude filled me for becoming their friend, for their unwavering support. Yet, guilt gnawed at me. They were here for me, offering solace, while I remained a coward, concealing my true feelings. I felt sorry, deeply sorry, but the fear of their reactions held me captive.

“Shh... Enough of crying,” Jin-hyung murmured, his embrace still comforting. I nodded, reluctantly pulling away and standing up. As I chuckled, I admitted, “I'm a crying mess, I'm sorry.” A teasing smile played on my lips. “Such a crybaby,” I added, eliciting laughter from all of them.

“Tae, I know you have a problem, but I won't force you to tell me. I'll give you time and space until you're ready to share it. For now, I'll let it slide,” Jin reassured me. How fortunate I am to have friends like them. “Go take a rest,” he added. I nodded gratefully and hugged him one last time before heading upstairs.

Though my love life might be plagued with bad luck, the presence of real friends like them made me feel truly blessed. I sighed, stealing another glance at them. I am incredibly lucky to have them.

Entering my room, my phone suddenly rang. I pulled it out from my pocket and stared at the notification.

Unknown Number:

I hope I'm texting the right number. If you're reading this, please talk to me.


I sighed deeply and collapsed onto my bed, my gaze fixed on the soft surface. This dilemma had been on my mind since morning. I wanted to give it a shot, but an invisible barrier held me back.

I wished to reply to him, but words escaped me. How could I convey my desire to talk? How could I express the need to spend time with him in an attempt to forget a certain ravenette?

I released a deep sigh, surrendering everything to the whims of fate. Glancing at my phone, I began crafting my reply.


What do you want to talk about, Bogum?

Within moments, my phone lit up with Bogum's incoming call. I gulped, clearing my throat as I answered, bringing the device to my ear. “Hello?”

A pause lingered before the sound of a clearing throat reached me. “Tae...”

“Yes, Bogum?”

“Thank you for replying. You don't know how happy I am right now.”

“What do you want to talk about, Bogum?” I inquired.

He sighed. “Can we talk? I mean... meet up? I really want to talk to you. To hang out with you.”

Another sigh escaped me as I fiddled with my fingers. “Be it. I'll send you my address. Pick me up in 3 hours. Don't be late,” I demanded.

I heard him breathe a soft 'yes'. “On it, Tae. Thank you so much.”

Closing my eyes, the image of a certain raven-haired guy flashed in my mind, and an unconscious smile graced my lips. Thinking of him brought a sense of ease, his smile a comforting presence.

I love you, but I need to love myself too~


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