NN 23

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As tears cascaded down my cheeks, I dragged myself upstairs to my room, each step heavier than the last.

He's a whirlwind of confusion, leaving me lost in a maze of emotions. How can I possibly find my way out when every gesture, every word he utters, hints at something more? How can I walk away when he dangles hope in front of me, only to snatch it away, leaving my heart in tatters?

Curling up in bed, I clung to my pillow, seeking solace amidst the storm raging within me.

His actions keep my heart on edge, his words a double-edged sword that cuts deep and leaves me bleeding. I'm adrift in a sea of uncertainty, unable to grasp the truth buried beneath his enigmatic facade.

If he didn't care, if he didn't feel what I feel, why does he linger in my thoughts, his presence a haunting echo in the recesses of my mind? His words resonate with an unspoken longing, a yearning buried beneath layers of ambiguity. This wasn't how I envisioned it. I thought it would be a simple conversation, a momentary lapse in communication. But now, I find myself drowning in a sea of emotions, unable to navigate the tumultuous waters of my heart.

I buried my face in the pillow, my tears soaking its fabric, a silent testament to my inner turmoil. Each sob felt like a heavy weight on my chest, a burden I could no longer bear alone. The cycle of tears had become my unwelcome routine, and I knew I was on the brink of breaking.

As the room echoed with my anguish, a soft knock interrupted my despair. Startled, I wiped my tears away, desperate to hide my vulnerability. I couldn't let my hyungs see me like this, couldn't face their questions and concern.

Another knock pierced the silence, urging me to action. With a deep breath, I steadied myself and checked my reflection in the phone's mirror. "Who's there?" I called out, masking the tremor in my voice.

The seconds stretched, filled only with the sound of my pounding heart. Determined, I slipped on my Tata slippers, ready to confront whatever awaited me beyond the door.

As I cautiously opened the door, expecting to see one of my elder brothers waiting outside, I was taken aback by the sight that greeted me. Instead of my hyungs, there stood a bunny clutching an ice cream cone, a note pinned to his shirt.

Taehyungiiee, I am SORRY. Please forgive me~” The note pleaded, written in a familiar hand.

Looking up, I met his gaze, and he smiled sheepishly. My heart leaped at the sight, and an intense desire to embrace him surged through me like a tidal wave.

Without hesitation, I enveloped him in a tight hug, feeling his warmth and the familiar scent that comforted me. His chuckle reverberated through me as he returned the embrace with equal fervor.

With closed eyes, I savored the moment, feeling the rhythm of our hearts beating in unison. It was a reunion filled with longing and relief, a moment I had been yearning for.

I knew deep down that I should have reached out to him sooner.

The gentle sound of his voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I responded with a soft hum, still holding onto him tightly.

“You might not want to eat a melting ice-cream, yeah?” he said, concern evident in his tone.

I chuckled and reluctantly released my embrace. Sniffling, I managed a smile. He furrowed his brow and pursed his lips. “Did you cry again, Tae?” he asked, his worry touching me deeply.

Amused by his innocence, I pinched his cheeks gently, attempting to lighten the mood. I motioned for him to join me inside, and he followed, closing the door behind him.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I nervously twiddled my fingers while he settled on the floor, facing me with a warm smile. He offered me some ice cream, and I accepted, murmuring a soft 'Thank you'.

An unspoken understanding enveloped us as we savored the sweetness in silence. His presence alone brought me comfort, and for that, I was grateful. Yet, amidst the solace, confusion still lingered within me.

The weight of his question hung heavy in the air as he broke the tense silence with just one word, "Tae..."

I turned to meet his gaze, curiosity tingling at his sudden interruption.

"Hmm?" I responded, my voice barely above a whisper.

With a heavy sigh, he withdrew the ice cream cone from his lips, his expression fraught with concern. "Did I make you cry?" he inquired, his words cutting through the stillness like a knife.

I froze, the sweetness of the ice cream forgotten as his question reverberated in my mind. My heart raced, a storm of emotions raging within me, threatening to engulf me entirely.

Slowly, I lifted my gaze to meet his, finding a silent plea lurking behind his eyes. There was an undeniable anticipation, a desperate need for honesty that I couldn't evade.

With a resigned sigh, I nodded, my admission hanging heavily between us. I watched as his features fell, the light in his eyes dimming with the weight of my truth.

It was a truth I couldn't escape, a reality that lingered between us, unspoken yet undeniable.


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