NN 25

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As I woke up the next day, a weight lingered on my chest, but it softened with the warmth of Taehyung's embrace. His arm and leg wrapped around me, anchoring me to the present moment.

Recalling our evening together, I chuckled softly. Unsure of how to make amends for our recent tension, I remembered the solace we often found in sharing ice cream. Luckily, I had stashed away two containers of cookies and cream just the day before.

Regarding the letter from Park Seo Joon, during my visit to Seo Joon's gallery, I noticed a collection of private photos in his art room, clearly inspired by Seo Joon's work. Knowing Taehyung's admiration for Seo Joon, and prompted by Jimin's revelation about Taehyung's desire to meet him, I took action.

Utilizing my connections, I reached out to Seo Joon's secretary, sharing the private photos of Taehyung. To my surprise, Seo Joon himself responded the very afternoon of our argument, expressing his fascination and eagerness to collaborate with Taehyung. I received the letter the following morning, intending to give it to Taehyung, but our encounter at the milk tea shop and subsequent argument with Bogum delayed my plans.

I've always admired Taehyung's photography, his landscapes and portraits capturing the essence of beauty and emotion. Secretly, I've harbored a desire to be his subject one day, willing to be captured in any form, even if it meant baring all, though I'd never admit it to him.

Learning about Taehyung's journey with photography shed light on his inner struggles. Pressured by his parents and swayed by Bogum's influence, he initially veered away from his passion. Yet, encounters with individuals like Yoongi, who encouraged him to pursue his own path, ignited a spark within him, compelling him to reclaim his passion and purpose.

In the quest to fill the void within him, Taehyung turned to photography, seeking solace in the lens that framed the world around him. He confided in me, revealing the depths of his devotion to Bogum, despite the shadows that lurked behind his facade. For too long, Taehyung embraced martyrdom, tethered to Bogum's whims by threads of loyalty and misplaced affection. It was a precarious dance, one that would unravel with devastating clarity.

The revelation of Bogum's betrayal, intertwined with the echoes of his step-sister's deceit, shattered the illusion of love that Taehyung had clung to so fervently. It was then that I stepped into his fractured world, a beacon of hope amidst the wreckage of broken promises and shattered dreams. But the path to redemption was fraught with challenges, and Taehyung, ensnared in the grip of his despair, remained unyielding in his resolve.

With Jin by our side, we embarked on a journey of healing, coaxing Taehyung from the depths of his despair with patience and unwavering support. Together, we unraveled the knots of sorrow that bound him, weaving threads of laughter and companionship in their place. The metamorphosis that ensued was nothing short of miraculous—a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love.

As I gaze upon Taehyung's tranquil visage, bathed in the soft glow of slumber, I am overcome with a sense of profound gratitude. In his presence, I have discovered the true meaning of friendship—the unwavering bond that transcends the boundaries of time and space. Yet, beneath the surface of our camaraderie lies a question that lingers, an unspoken truth that beckons to be acknowledged.

In the quietude of the night, amidst the whispers of our shared confidences, I find myself grappling with the realization that perhaps our connection runs deeper than mere friendship. The warmth of his breath against my skin, the gentle rise and fall of his chest—it is a symphony of sensations that defies rational explanation.

In the hushed moments of introspection, I am left to ponder the nature of our bond—whether it is destined to evolve into something more profound, or if it is simply the echoes of a friendship that burns bright amidst the shadows of uncertainty.

I find myself grappling with uncertainty. I'm open to love in all its forms, unafraid to confront or embrace the feelings that stir within me. Yet, the prospect of harboring romantic sentiments for Taehyung leaves me at a loss.

Taehyung, my dear friend, embodies qualities of love and compassion—qualities that draw me to him like a magnet. He's kind, thoughtful, and endlessly understanding. I couldn't imagine anyone else by my side but him. He's the epitome of the perfect partner, yet the fear of jeopardizing our friendship looms heavy on my heart. I yearn for his companionship, but I'm hesitant to risk our bond for the sake of fleeting desires. Perhaps we're not meant to share the same sentiments, and that thought weighs heavily upon me.

"I'll call the police," he murmurs groggily, still lost in the depths of sleep.

A smile tugs at my lips as I gently brush aside the locks that obscure his eyes. "The police? Why ever for?" I inquire, my voice soft with affection.

A sigh of contentment escapes his lips as he tightens his embrace, pulling me closer to him. My heart swells with warmth at his touch.

"You're shamelessly staring," he remarks, his voice laced with amusement, "especially considering I'm still half asleep."

I chuckle softly, my fingers playfully tracing the contours of his face. He responds with a playful groan, swatting away my hand.

"What's wrong with admiring an angel in my arms?" I jest, my words filled with genuine affection.

He giggles in response, a sound that reverberates like music in the stillness of the room, soothing the turmoil within my soul.

"Okay, I'll consider it. I won't make a call and let you slide," he shrugged, nuzzling closer to me.

I chuckled softly and pulled him into a tight embrace. "You do realize you're drooling all over my chest, right?"

His eyes snapped open, and he quickly sat up, wiping his face as if searching for any traces of drool. Glaring at me, he puckered his lips in a slight pout. My laughter was cut short when he began lightly hitting my chest, punctuating each blow with colorful profanities.

Ducking and weaving to avoid his playful strikes, I couldn't help but chuckle at his adorable pout. Yet, amidst the lighthearted banter, a startling thought emerged.

Wait, did I just think about kissing him? Him?

I froze, my mind racing as I struggled to process the sudden surge of emotions. His words became muffled, drowned out by the rapid thumping of my heart echoing in my ears.

His lips moved, forming words I couldn't hear. Instead, my gaze remained fixated on his soft, inviting lips—naturally rosy and irresistibly tempting.

“Hey, Kooks? What's happening to yo–”

I silenced his words with a sudden, bold move, pressing my lips firmly against his. I felt him tense, but I didn't falter. Instead, I leaned into the kiss, savoring the electrifying sensation.

The soft lips I had been admiring just moments before were now responding with equal fervor, matching my intensity and eagerness.

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Taekook is now kissing HAHHAHAHA

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