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Third Person's Point of View.

As Seungkwan tightened his grip on Taehyung's collar, the tension in the room escalated. The rhythmic beats of the music that once filled the air were drowned out by the collective hush of the guests. In the midst of the chaos, Mr. Do struggled to maintain a facade of composure.

"Who the hell are you to cause a ruckus in the middle of my daughter's party?!" Seungkwan shouted, his face contorted with anger. Taehyung, still on the ground, remained silent, his gaze fixed on the enraged host.

Jungkook, torn between the desire to protect Taehyung and the realization that this party held more secrets than he could fathom, was held back by Jihoon. The room brimmed with anticipation as the guests watched the unfolding drama.

"I'm asking who the hell are you?! Who invited such a stupid person to my daughter's party?!" Seungkwan continued, his voice a venomous blend of frustration and indignation.

Before Taehyung could respond, a sudden burst of gunfire shattered the atmosphere. Chaos erupted as guests screamed and sought cover. Seungkwan, momentarily distracted, released Taehyung from his grip.

In the midst of the pandemonium, Taehyung found refuge behind a decorative pillar. Jungkook, defying Jihoon's restraint, rushed to his side, shielding him from the uncertainty that now permeated the room.

Security details swiftly moved into action, engaged in a firefight with an unknown assailant. The grand hall, once adorned with opulence, now echoed with the cacophony of chaos and conflict.

Mr. Do, seizing the opportunity amidst the turmoil, subtly signaled his security team. The orchestrated chaos, it seemed, was a strategic move to expose Seungkwan's concealed dealings. The engagement party had unwittingly become a stage for a clandestine operation.

As the skirmish unfolded, alliances within the elite circle were tested. Friends turned to each other with uncertainty, questioning the loyalties that had once seemed unshakable. The social veneer that masked rivalries and secret alliances began to crack, revealing the true nature of relationships that had long been concealed beneath the facade of camaraderie.

Guests, clad in designer gowns and tailored suits, found themselves seeking refuge together, forced into an unexpected camaraderie amidst the chaos. The glittering chandeliers overhead flickered as the grand hall transformed into a microcosm of conflicting interests and hidden agendas.

The true colors of the elite were unveiled amidst the echoes of gunfire. Whispers of clandestine affairs, business betrayals, and political machinations permeated the air, intertwining with the acrid scent of gun smoke.

As the smoke began to clear, the aftermath of this intricate dance of deception became apparent. Individuals once considered untouchable faced the consequences of their actions. Seungkwan, the powerful host of the engagement party, stood at the epicenter of the revelation, his carefully constructed empire now unraveling before his eyes.

The engagement party, initially envisioned as a symbol of union and celebration, had metamorphosed into a battleground of revelations and exposed truths. The opulent surroundings that once exuded glamour were marred by bullet holes and the debris of shattered illusions.

In the dimming light of the once-grand cruise ship, the consequences of the night's events closed in on Seungkwan. The echoes of gunshots had not only shattered the tranquility of the night but also laid bare the dark underbelly of the elite's world—a world built on deceit, power plays, and the ruthless pursuit of self-interest. As the last notes of the orchestrated chaos faded away, the guests were left to grapple with the unsettling reality that the glittering facade they once admired was, in truth, a fragile veil obscuring a web of lies.

Taehyung, his ears pressed by his hands, sobbed quietly, prompting Jungkook to wrap his arms around him with an intensity that mirrored the chaos around them.

Curses escaped Jungkook's lips; their meticulously planned operation had taken an unexpected turn. Taehyung was supposed to force Seungkwan to reveal his true colors during the party, while other undercover agents executed their mission to rescue victims hidden beneath the ship's deck.

Jungkook reluctantly pulled away from Taehyung, his gaze anxiously scanning his lover's body for signs of gunshot wounds. A heavy sigh of relief escaped him as he found none, prompting him to hug Taehyung even tighter.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung, fear etching his throat, managed to ask. In return, he scanned Jungkook's body for any possible injuries, their concern for each other palpable amidst the chaos.

Cupping Taehyung's face, Jungkook kissed his forehead, his voice a reassuring murmur against his lover's ears. "I'm okay, don't worry," he whispered, their embrace becoming a sanctuary amid the turmoil.

As they held each other, a figure rushed towards them. Jungkook tensed, ready to defend against any potential threat from Seungkwan's underlings.

"Shit! It's me!" emerged from the darkness as Jihoon revealed himself, his belly wrapped with a bloodied hand. Gasps escaped both Taehyung and Jungkook as they rushed to attend to Jihoon's urgent needs. Jungkook supported him by the arm, sensing Jihoon's growing fatigue – his lips pallid, eyelids slowly drooping.

"Jungkook, let's help him! He's losing blood!" Taehyung whisper-yelled, fearful that Seungkwan and his underlings might overhear them.

Upon Taehyung's plea, Jungkook scanned their surroundings, checking for any potential witnesses before carefully guiding Jihoon to a secluded space shielded by a wall.

They assisted Jihoon as he sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. "Press his wound to prevent blood loss. I'll go check the rooms for first aid," Jungkook murmured. Taehyung shook his head, apprehensive about what dangers might lurk for Jungkook in the unknown rooms.

Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face, sealing their connection with a kiss, an unspoken promise of safety. Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes. "Just trust me, okay? I'll make it out alive. Just wait here, don't let your presence be noticeable, okay?"

"Come back, okay? Please, be safe," Tae cried, pressing his bloody hand against Jihoon's wound.

Jungkook nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "I'll be back," he promised. "Here, use this. I know Dad already taught you to handle it. If you find someone suspicious, don't hesitate to shoot," he said, placing a gun in Taehyung's hands.

Taehyung nodded. Jungkook pressed a kiss to his forehead before venturing into the unknown.


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