NN 24

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I know I should have done better. I should have kept everything to myself, resisted the urge to nod, and suppressed my feelings for him. I should have entertained Bogum's love instead of harboring my own. But it's too late for regrets now.

I'm powerless against the rapid beating of my heart. No one triumphs in a battle against the desires of the heart.

We sat in silence after I nodded, neither of us willing to break the quiet with our words. Jungkook rose abruptly from his seat, and I watched him move to my study table, where he began rifling through my papers.

I observed him silently, my brow furrowed, as he sifted through the documents. Before I could approach him, he straightened, holding a piece of paper, and turned to face me.

He handed me the paper, and confusion washed over me, but I accepted it nonetheless, taking a moment to study it. "I'm sorry if I made you cry. Trust me, I didn't intend to do so. If this could make you feel better, please accept my gift," he murmured, his bunny-like smile softening the moment.

"I hope you don't see this as a bribe. I genuinely am sorry," he added, still smiling as he glanced at the paper.

I looked up, silently questioning him, but he just smiled back and made his way to the door. Before opening it, he turned to me once more. "I hope this brings you happiness, Tae, without feeling like I'm bribing you with something we both know you've wanted for so long," he said, then quietly left the room.

Sitting in the chair, I stared at the paper, wondering what it could be.

Slowly unfolding it, tears welled up in my eyes. This couldn't be! How did he know about this? Jimin and I were the only ones aware of my addiction to a certain art gallery, one I've been searching for until now.

Park Seo Joon 
Founder of Photography Society Group 
Magic Shop Owner 

Mr. Kim Taehyung,

I hope this message finds you well. Your work precedes you, Mr. Kim. I recently caught a glimpse of your masterpieces and was instantly captivated. It's regrettable that we haven't crossed paths sooner. Your talent as a photographer and gallerist is undeniable.

After witnessing the brilliance of your artwork, my team and I extend a warm invitation for you to join us at our upcoming art exhibition in Busan next month. While we're finalizing the date, I promise to keep you updated via email. Your presence at our event would be an honor, and I see great potential for collaboration between The Magic Shop and your endeavors.

Your contribution to the art world is truly exceptional, Mr. Kim. I envision a promising partnership between us.

Looking forward to your response.

Warm regards, 
Park Seo Joon

Tears flowed freely down my cheeks. How did he come to know about my longing for Seo Joon Sunbaenim's exhibition tickets? Could Jungkook have overheard my frustrated conversations with Jimin?

How did he find out?

Did Jimin spill the beans?

It seems he did. Or did he?

Tears streaked down my cheeks as I hastily placed the paper on the table and dashed out of my room, driven by an urgent need to find him.

His door, as expected, stood open, a silent invitation during moments like these.

Entering his sanctuary, I locked the door behind me and found him lying face-down on the bed, his breaths muffled by the pillows. Without hesitation, I positioned myself on top of him, seeking solace in his warmth.

“Tae?” His voice, muffled yet familiar, reached out to me. I pressed my lips against his neck, finding comfort in his presence.

“Thank you, Kooks,” I whispered, my words carrying a mixture of gratitude and relief. His response was a subtle shift as I rolled off him, our eyes finally meeting.

“I'm sorry if I caused your tears. That was never my intention,” he confessed, his voice heavy with remorse. Drawing closer, I enveloped him in a tight embrace, feeling the weight of our shared emotions.

His chuckle, a gentle reassurance, echoed in the quiet room as his fingers traced soothing patterns through my hair. In the stillness, our breaths synchronized, each a silent affirmation of our bond.

“Wanna cuddle with me?” His invitation, simple yet profound, hung in the air, beckoning us to find solace in each other's embrace.

As my heart swelled with joy, I nodded eagerly, urging him to draw me closer. His chuckle warmed the room as he adjusted our position, cocooning me in comfort.

With eyes closed, I surrendered to the soothing dance of his fingers through my hair, serenaded by his gentle hum. A smile played on my lips as I succumbed to the tranquil embrace of sleep, cradled in his reassuring presence.


Enjoy reading everyone! <3

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