Chapter 30

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I love everyone's feedback and support. This week I might not be able to update so I apologize in advance. I have inventory at work, a root canal, and a meeting with a recruiter so I will try to squeeze it in but wanted to give you all a heads up :)

Waking up, I blink to get my vision to come back. When it does I see a fully dressed V drying his hair with a towel. “Good you’re finally up.”

Yawning, I throw the blanket back over my head and roll over. “No.” I say groggily.

“Cassie. This is your only warning.” His voice always dropped when he was ‘warning’ me.

I heard the snap before I felt it. I squeaked as I jumped up and off the bed. I hit my elbow as I tried to catch myself from falling. “Ow.” I rubbed my elbow in an attempt to subdue the pain.

V just smirked as he stalked over to me. “Did we learn anything?”

“Yeah. Don’t jump off the bed.” He shot me a dirty glance before he came and picked me up from under my arms. “You have 15 minutes for a shower.”

He had to be kidding. Who could possibly shower well in that amount of time?

Suddenly he threw his towel at me before walking out of the room. I growled in frustration as I ripped the towel off my head. This male is something else.

I ran as fast as I could to the shower but was quickly lost in my own thoughts. Was he acting this way because of yesterday? I think he’s taking his punishment a little far.

I sigh from both frustration and relaxation as I throw my body under the flow of hot water to wash off all the soap. I began to lather my hair when it felt like thousands of needles were prickling my skin. I scream as I jump away from the now freezing cold water.

I look over to see V at the remote motioning me towards him with his index finger.

“Can I at least rinse my hair?” I asked with a raised voice and littered with irritation.

This jerk was actually thinking about it. Slowly as if he was still debating with himself he turned the water warmer so that it was bearable but far from comfortable.

I rinsed my hair as fast as I could before I jumped out of the shower and threw my towel on with a shiver.

“You have 5 minutes to get dressed.”

When did I join the military? I looked back to see that V hadn't moved. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. I take it back. This isn't the military, its prison.

“Do you mind?” I ask with a little sarcasm.

“I do mind. It’s nothing I haven’t seen and I need to make sure you stick to your time limit.”

I grunted out of pure frustration as I opened up one of my drawers. He made his point. I will not visit Mason without permission EVER again.

I popped my head through my sweater when V came and picked me up around the waist and held me to his waist, like a girl would a clutch.

“Put me down!”

“Your 5 minutes are up and we need to go.”

“What about-“ He cut me off before I could even ask. “Brett has your shoes.”

I squeal as he quickly runs down the stairs, me bobbling with every step. It was like a roller coaster from hell.

I groaned as he finally placed me in the front seat, closing the door and walking to the driver’s side.

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