Movie Night❗

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Lena comes over to Kara's place for movie night and basically smut happens.

When you are the CEO of a billion dollar corporation, work is constant. Lena Luthor works every day all day and sometimes well into the night to make sure her company and herself are successful. Being a work-workaholic used to be no big deal, after all she had no one to go home to. No one was waiting for her with a warm meal, hot bath or a sexy evening planned. So Lena worked, coming up with idea's to help save the world. That is until one day a cute blonde reporter walked into her office and turned her world upside down. Kara Danvers, the girl with the sunshine smile and clumsy rambling, gives Lena heart palpitation every time they are together. Over the last few months this woman has made herself a staple in Lena's life. No matter how many times Lena has tried to push Kara away, the bubbly blonde keeps coming back, and Lena finds herself outside the office much more often. Lunch dates, games nights and movie nights have become things Lena looks forward to. A way to get her mind off work and spend more time getting to know Kara. Tonight Lena is leaving the office early to meet up with Kara at her place for dinner and movies. It's just the two of them this time, which makes Lena nervous. She is used to game nights and movie nights with all of Kara's friends and family, where it's easy to hide her feelings for her best friend.

Before she can even knock, Kara opens the door, beaming at Lena with a bright smile. Her breath hitches when she sees Kara in tight spandex shorts that barely cover her ass and a sport bra, leaving six pack abs exposed. Inappropriate images flash across Lena's mind and she licks her lips. Lena wants to tear that tiny cloth right off Kara's body.

"Hey, Lena," Kara's greets her friend, snapping the Luthor from her fantasy. "Come in." Lena steps past Kara, forcing herself to keep her hands at her side and not rub them across Kara's belly.

"Are you okay?" Kara asks as she closes the door. "You seem lost in thought."

"Just work stuff," Lena lies, trying to look anywhere that is not Kara's sexy body.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kara asks. She knows Lena can get anxious about her projects and tends to worry.

"No," Lena quickly answers. "No it's nothing, really."

"Okay, well, I need a shower," Kara says. "Go ahead and order food. Computer is on the table."

Lena admires Kara's toned back and sculpted ass as the blonde takes her leave. A flash of Kara's naked wet body runs through Lena's mind sending tingles straight to her core. She takes a few deep breaths to calm herself and opens Kara's laptop to order food. That's when Lena gets the shock of her life, as she sees what her reporter friend has been "researching." Porn, so much porn. Not just straight porn either, there's girl on girl action as well. Lena's mouth hangs open, eyes wide. "Kara Danvers you dirty girl," Lena murmurs. She is even more turned on now, as a new image of lonely Kara masturbating short circuits her brain. This gives Lena an idea. Tonight she is going to find out once and for all if Kara feels the same way about her. Lena finishes ordering Kara's favorite foods and closes the computer. She finds the bottle of whiskey Kara keeps for Alex and pours herself a glass of liquid courage. Lena gulps the drink in one swallow when Kara comes out of the shower, towel drying her hair in a blue camisole and matching pajama pants, no bra.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kara asks again. Seeing Lena gulping a class of whiskey has her concerned.

"I'm fine Kara, really," Lena responds and pours another drink. "Food is on it's way. Go pick out a movie."

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