A Dream Reality❗

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Lena wakes up by Kara moaning in her sleep, but is she really hearing it or is it a part of her dream?

"Please stay. Lena. Can you stay? Please. I- I don't want to be alone. Not right now"
Kara had whispered that so softly that at first Lena wasn't sure if she heard it right, but her voice gradually became more confident and louder.
It was a long and tiring day for both of them, Lena had received multiple death threats from Cadmus and Lex' followers and Kara fought alien after alien.

They sat on the couch, huddled close together for comfort and warmth when Lena noticed the time and said she should probably head home.
"I- I mean you don't have to go if you don't want to go. You can stay here, it wouldn't be a problem" the blonde looked outright terrified at what Lena might say.
"Okay. I'll stay, Kara. I'll stay" she said as she wrapped her arm around her shoulders and brought her flush against her body.

Both were in comfortable clothes, sweatpants and tanktops, Lena made sure she had her favorite and most comfortable pair of clothes here, seeing as she spend so much time with the blonde.
Kara nuzzled her body close to Lena's as Lena quietly asked "are you going to tell me what got you so spooked? You're always a cuddler, but you're more like a koala right now"
She got a low chuckle that reverberated troughout her body in response as she said "I'd say more like a sloth, they cling more than koala's"

A wide grin overtook Lena "well yes, but sloth's are also lazy and you're not. You're always out there protecting everyone and, don't tell anyone, but I think koala's are cuter. Like you"
At that small confession Kara hugged her even closer, her knees touching Lena's legs.
Kara was still amazed at the patience the brunette showed when Kara was struggling to form coherent sentences to put what was on her mind into words.

"It's just been a long day. We tracked down some of those threats you got and it was-" a sigh passed her lips "-it wasn't fun. One of them actually had photo's of you with targets drawn on it"
She said while a shudder went down her spine "and one other actually had written out a very detailed plan of hiding bombs troughout town to distract me so he could kill you"
Kara fisted the fabric of Lena's shirt "I don't want to lose you Lena, you're my best friend. We're so close, even closer than I am with Alex. It just shook me"

Lena wrapped her arm tighter around Kara's shoulder "hey. I'm still here. They can't get to me that easily. Besides, I know you'll always be there. Like you said, we're close"
Kara hummed, inhaling Lena's scent at the same time, a mixture between her shampoo and Lena's perfume invading her senses.
"Why don't we go sleep? It's passed midnight, I know we don't need to work tomorrow but I think we both need the rest" Kara nodded and she moved away from the warm body.

"You should take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch" at Lena's confused eyebrow raise she elaborated "we might be close, but I'm not sure if we're 'sharing a bed' close"
Lena stood up and smiled adoringly at the woman sitting on the couch, extending a hand and said "lets go sleep" Kara grinned wide and took her hand.
They got comfortable on the bed, tucked away underneath the blankets, laying on their sides and facing each other, a small smile playing on Kara's face.

"What are you smiling about, blondie?" and Kara smiled even wider at the teasing nickname "nothing. Just this" she said while vaguely moving her hand around a bit.
"This level of trust and friendship. Being able to be so honest with you, be myself without having to hold back. It feels good"
A warmth spread troughout Lena as she listened to the honest confession of the alien and she fought back some tears that were threatening to spill.

"Go sleep Kara, you must be exhausted" there was a sleepy hum before her breath evened out and she was out cold in dreamland.
Lena listened to the steady breathing before being lulled into sleep, a shadow of a smile still visible on her lips.
She dreamed about being at work, typing away furiously to finish a report when a hum filled the office, she looked around, shrugging and went back to work.

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