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Lena finds her birthmother and family.

Kara Danvers had never heard Lena so upset over the phone, normally Lena Luthor was calm and collected on the phone, but this phone call she was in a panic and sounded very upset. Kara promised to be there as quickly as she could, but she was currently fighting an alien who was intent on robbing the jewelry store. Kara had just been able to get him in cuffs when Alex arrived and Kara quickly handed him off before taking off for L-Corp. Kara had finally told Lena that she was Supergirl several weeks before and after a very long discussion they had come to terms with it on both sides and were again best friends. Kara had repeatedly told Lena that it had nothing to with being a Luthor and Lena had to admit that she had known for a long time, but just wanted Kara to be able to be herself with her.

"Supergirl where are you going?" Alex asked over the coms before Kara got too far away.

"Lena needs me." Kara replied as she slowed down a little.

"We need to be briefed before you go to Miss. Luthor." J'onn stated.

"But I promised Lena I would get there as soon as possible." Kara complained.

"Yes, well your job is not done. Come quickly to the DEO, brief us, and then you can go to Miss. Luthor."

"Fine." Kara quickly changed directions and headed for the DEO, she wanted to get there as fast as she could and get out of there just as fast. She needed to get to Lena. Once she landed Alex, J'onn, Maggie, James, and Winn were waiting for her. "What do you want to know?"

"Kara." Alex snapped at her.

"I want to get to Lena. So what do you want to know?" Kara demanded an answer and as she did she squeezed the table just a little to hard and it broke.

"There will be none of that. Calm down Kara. Just tell us what happened when you got there. Then you can go see Lena." J'onn said. He knew that Kara cared for Lena, but he wondered just how much she cared for her if her reaction to her being in distress was like this.

"I dropped in and the alien was grabbing as many diamonds as he could. I told him to stop and we started to fight. I beat him, handcuffed him, and then you guys showed up. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get to Lena." Kara said and then turned to leave, not waiting for a reply.

"Kara!" Alex called out as Kara took off. "What is going on with her?"

"I think your gaydar is broken." Maggie said with a chuckle.

"What? No? Kara's not in to Lena. She's a Luthor." James said not wanting to believe that Kara would be in to Lena.

"Yeah she is." Winn said before continuing, "She talks about her all the time and I've never seen her smile as much as when she's with Lena or talking about her."

"It could be dangerous for Kara to be with a Luthor."

"You call her Luthor like that again and I will personally punch you in the face several times. Lena has proven herself to be nothing like her parents or brother. And if you think that Kara will listen to you talk about Lena like that, you don't know Kara." Maggie stated.

"I'm with Maggie. Kara will hurt you if you talk about Lena like that." Alex said.

"I agree too. Kara's in love with Lena and if you hurt Lena you'll be asking for it." Winn added.

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