Tonight's the Night❗

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Everyone has secrets. Some of them are not nearly as secret as you think sometimes.

It was bound to happen. Maybe it was even inevitable. But as impossible as it seemed it was Saturday night in National City and there was nothing happening that demanded Supergirl's attention. No one was trying to start their take-over of the world here; no one was executing an intricate master criminal plan; no one was threatening to destroy the city or even the smallest part of it. The calm wouldn't last of course, it never did, but tonight all was peaceful and other things, long sorely neglected could receive their proper attention

So tonight Kara Danvers was able to relax. She could sit in her best friend's penthouse apartment and actually sip on her glass of wine rather than pretend to drink it. She had kicked her shoes off and was sitting with her feet tucked up under her while she and Lena talked. The head of L-Corp and now owner of CatCo was right next to her and with nothing serious to worry about they were able to just talk, to let the conversation range over literally dozens of topics, flitting from one to another as the mood struck them. They both knew this was only a lull but tonight they had banished even Morgan Edge for now.

"Maybe he's still on top of that stack of shipping containers where Supergirl left him," Lena commented.

Why then did Kara not feel as relaxed as she should? Why did she feel on edge, alert for something she knew not? Why did she keep shifting her weight back and forth unable to get completely comfortable?

It was Lena of course. Kara could barely keep her attention on the current topic because her eyes would not leave her friend; the friend she had developed a crush on since the first time she saw the other. She watched the beautiful face, the elegant gestures the other woman made, the subtle shifting of her body on the couch. She took in the curves of the dark-haired woman's body, where her dress clung to her outlining her figure, the breath-taking view of her crossing her legs and the hem of her dress riding up to expose a hint of thigh.

"Okay Kara," get hold of yourself," she sternly told herself. It was not an easy task since whom she wanted to get hold of was Lena. She took a deep breath and managed to get back into the conversation and pay attention to what her friend was saying.

They talked on and on and Kara managed to will herself to relax. Maybe the extra glass of wine helped. Maybe it was how the two women had worked their way towards each other until they were separated by a scant inch. Then even that gap was eliminated when Lena made a point by placing her hand on Kara's thigh. The warmth of her hand seemed to radiate right through the blonde's slacks.

Kara almost panicked as Lena's expression turned serious. The older woman reached across her body and took the reporter's right hand in her own. Had Lena realized just how much Kara was dreaming of the woman next to her? Had she been too careless with her hurried glimpses and let show how much she was attracted to Lena?

"Kara I need to tell you something."

Oh God she HAD been caught. Had she ruined everything between her and her best friend? She tried to stop what she was sure was coming.

"Lena I can explain."

"Shhh." The CEO placed the index finger of her other hand on Kara's lips, quieting her. The blonde alien had to repress a sudden near overwhelming desire to take that finger between her lips even while she mourned the departure of that hand from her leg. "It's alright." She searched the blonde's eyes, the contact between them very real.

"Kara I know you're Supergirl."

The heroine's head reeled. She was shocked, speechless and to her own astonishment slightly disappointed all at the same time. Had she really wanted some other confession from Lena?

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