Of Ice Castles and Orgasms❗

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Kara attempts to teach Lena Kryptonese but the CEO perfectionist gets frustrated. Of course, being National City's resident hero, Kara has to ease her girlfriend's tension.

The cool air of the Fortress of Solitude hit Lena's face as she suppressed a shiver. She crossed her arms over her chest as it seemed the thick sleeves of her coat couldn't even protect her from the chilly breeze flowing through the fortress.

Lena shuddered slightly as she gravitated closer towards the Kryptonian space heater on her right, also known as Kara Danvers. "I wanted to be able to bring you here under better circumstances." Kara spoke as she and Lena made their way into the crystal structure. "You know, when-"

"When I wasn't in the middle of betraying you while the world was about to end?" Lena supplied somewhat bitterly. They had worked through many of their issues from before everything had changed. They admitted their feelings for one another and had spent a long while getting to know one another again.

Now they were several months into a romantic relationship and Kara had insisted on bringing Lena back to the fortress. Kara let out a slight sigh. "Lena, I wanted to share this with you because the world isn't ending," Kara replied, "Krypton is a thing I've never really gotten to share with anyone. Kal always thought of Earth as his home because he didn't know any different. I wanted to be able to have this moment with you."

Lena's expression softened greatly at Kara's words as she nodded slowly, not trusting her voice just yet. After a minute she whispered with a soft sigh, "I know, I just wish I hadn't been such an idiot, hadn't wasted so much time."

"We were both idiots," Kara reminded, "but we're less idiotic now and I would like to experience that with you. It's something I've never had the chance to share with anyone before."

Kara led her to the console, typing in a few commands before it roared to life, projecting the Kryptonian symbols onto the space above them. That's where Kara decided to start, explaining the structure of the language, teaching Lena the alphabet and diverging into topics of scientific advances that Kryptonians had implemented, at least the ones Kara knew about.

After nearly an hour of teaching and talking, Kara watched with rapt fascination as Lena attempted to pronounce the words. Kara held back a smirk as Lena's mouth moved unevenly to form the unfamiliar Kryptonian dialect.

"You don't have your tongue in the right spot," Kara concluded, noticing how Lena's mouth fit around the words.

"You've never had that complaint with me before," Lena shot back, somewhat frustrated as she glanced over her shoulder at Kara before turning back to the control.

Kara barked out a laugh. "Lena, it's not an easy language," she reminded, "especially for someone who doesn't know any languages like it."

Lena rolled her eyes as she turned to face Kara, her shoulders relaxing slightly as the blonde took a step closer. "I just, I want to get this right" Lena huffed, running a hand through her dark locks.

Blowing a puff of frustrated air she continued, "I know complex mathematical equations, flew a plane from the future, hell I helped save the world!"

"Multiple times," Kara interjected and Lena quickly sent her a disapproving look for interrupting her rant. Kara pressed her lips together and made a locking motion with her fingers and pretended to throw away the key.

Lena continued with an irritated growl, "I should be able to figure out how to speak a language, even if it's not from this planet." Her shoulders sagged in defeat at the prospect of not perfecting something that was so integral to Kara and her heritage.

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