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Lena ordered something. Kara doesn't know what it is, or even know its been ordered. Lena is having HELLA gay feelings (per usual). Kara is being concerned, gay, cute, hot and just great, you're doing great Kara.

Lena knew what she was doing, always. Every step was a calculated action; every word spoken had a specific purpose. She knew what she was doing to Kara, and from Kara’s reaction, she knew she was doing it well. It wasn’t a coincidence that everytime that Kara would see her, she would be wearing sleek outfits that hugged her torso and legs; she was flirting without even speaking. The way she leaned down a little was no accident because when she looked back up, she would catch the way Kara’s eyes lingered on her neckline and how they quickly darted away, accompanied by a soft blush.

She leaned into Kara’s side when they sat together on their couch for a reason; well, for several reasons. She loved the soft feel of Kara’s cardigan, or her smooth tan skin, and how her perfume enveloped her in a cloud of Kara. She loved the way her head fit onto her shoulder when she rested her head there, the way that Kara would lean her head on top of her’s; the small content sigh that would leave her. She loved the way she could practically hear Kara smile when they were that close.

But she also loved the way Kara’s voice would hitch when they spoke in the early morning; she loved how Kara’s voice was slightly raspy in the mornings, and how she would rub the sleep out of her eyes. How could someone be so adorable at such ungodly hours? But she would never complain about waking up early, roused by Kara’s leaving and entering for her hero duties; she would never complain because she got to see Kara’s morning haze in her eyes as she slowly opened them; she’d never complained because she would wake up to an arm slung around her waist and a croaky, deep voice near her ear as Kara muttered a “good morning” to her.

Of course, she only learned to love those things recently; they had only started to be close like that for a few weeks. It happened months after that god-awful ‘boyfriend’ of hers left and well, okay, it was accidentally done, the whole ‘making the atmosphere literally toxic to him,’ but honestly, it was for the better. The first time started with Lena being confident with wine and relishing the way she was cuddled up against Kara in her apartment, the sound of the tv drowning her logic, the smell of Kara making her woozy. Kara had looked so good then; her hair was down and she was wearing a plain white, cotton T-shirt and soft plaid pajama pants.

Lena had borrowed a tank top from Kara and thrown her bra away too because the day was long enough. She was wearing a pair of shorts Kara reserved for her when she came over; they were blue, almost metallic; part of Kara’s gym clothes from college. The tank top smelled like Kara; the whole apartment did. Everything was just Kara, Kara, Kara. She was practically on her lap at that moment, her head burrowed into her neck as she watched the film, not paying attention to anything but the heartbeat under her ear. Kara had smiled a little from something happening on the tv and Lena could help but look up and see her eyes crinkle sleepily; it was late. Before she knew it, she sat up, the warmth of Kara’s body leaving her side. The blanket that was draped over them was pushed to the side as Lena straddled Kara and Kara’s eyes widened as she coughed out a “Lena? What- oh uh I mean, you’ll miss the film if you sit like that.” Kara’s joke was an attempt to lighten the rapidly shifting mood but Lena wanted stronger feelings; she wanted stronger things at this time.

She leaned in close, her eyes locked into Kara’s gaze as she lifted her chin slightly and Kara looked down at her lips. Her insecure thoughts popped out then, and she almost backed away, but Kara leaned in closer and suddenly she was kissing Kara Danvers. She was kissing Kara, feeling her arms close around her waist; she was kissing Kara and feeling the softness of her lips, the steady feeling of her kiss as she moved her hands to Kara’s hair.

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